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Everything posted by stupror

  1. stupror

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    thearahwulf You should read my previous post!
  2. stupror

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am available for anyone anywhere! Got everything you could possible need! Just join our ts: And we will get to you!
  3. would go for SurvivalServers.com! They have been awesome so far! Since the majority of our clan are from USA we hosted a server placed in dallas were i ping around 150 (I live in Sweden).
  4. We hired these guys to host our second server. And i have to say that so far they have been AMAZING! Compared to Vilayer these guys kicks ass! There servers seems to be more stable, lower ping and far from as much desyncs, have only experienced one VERY minor desync so far. Not to mention there support! You are counting minutes when it comes to support with these guys, while you count hours and even days with Vilayer! Much cred to these guys! Highly recomended!
  5. I would like to say that I'm a Hero or at least a Survivor. But due to the fact that I'm for the most part traveling thru hot zones were i rater be safe then sorry my humanity of ~-144000 speaks of a different story... Keep in mind that i am a white listed medic, but i am not one of those who just run around and heal everything i can spot. I go with my clan to mend players in high risk areas and more often then not we have to end a few lives before we can safe our client...
  6. Im just fine with these weps being in game, rarely use them any more since they r too easy to use and it makes shootouts boring... But they should take the backpack slot as an rpg does! Lets be honest... these rifles are huge and heavy... This way you could take a really powerful sniper but you would have to sacrifice ALOT of space for carrying gear and food and so on, with pretty much makes team play mandatory to use these weapons! Just as in real life =)
  7. stupror

    Hero Skin

    I lost 37k humanity with one kill once =( And this was defending my friend...
  8. stupror

    Helicopter coastal run

    We have had these problems on our new server. Vans turning into boats, trucks turning into bicycles, boats turning into cars and bicycles turning into buses and so on after server resets :P
  9. Cant say that i saw much teamwork.. What i did c was a clusterfuck of randoms running around having a blast surviving! Good job, wish i were there to be honest =) This is pretty much how our clan started out, lots of randoms having fun and forming a group :P
  10. stupror

    hacker just made my day

    watch out, sometimes those paracowz carry satchel and will explode if you kill them :P
  11. Freshly spawned bandits still gives you a murder... :P
  12. stupror

    Teleporting bug

    This have happened 2 times to me over all since they brought it in to the game i think... It is there to prevent ppl from spawning in the debug forest (even if its not a forest anymore xD)
  13. I have managed to live for 15 dayz, going from high risk zone to high risk zone and gathered up 35+ player kills (mixed bandit and survival). Then i got killed by a hacker... Wasn't that bummed about it since i got killed by a legit player later that very same day :P
  14. stupror

    humanity not saving for me?

    wait for 15 min, relogg, BANG u got ur humanity back =) +- what you have earned in the time between that =)
  15. stupror

    CD key in use?!

    To me it sounds like a kid who loaded in a scripts and got banned that is now trying to act stupid and hope for being unbanned..
  16. No you need to get a heli =( If i were you i would have shot and disabled the heli, the guy was most likely server hopping on that roof...
  17. stupror

    It is just me? or..

    Yeah this happens to me when im in a fire fight! I love the feeling, no other game can offer a thrill like this to me!
  18. This little trick requires that you ether play on a server with name tags (witch is lame..) OR keep a good eye on the players on the server! 1st step is to download "Dayz Commander" http://www.dayzcommander.com/ After that, when a player Alt+F4 on you, you add them as a friend on Dayz Commander! This will give you info of what server they hoped to... Last but not least, hop to the new server and kill them, its very unlikely they will expect it! Good luck to all of you! =)
  19. stupror

    How i handle Players who Alt+F4

    Well, even as the sniper/over-watch in my team, that accurate one hit kill is not always the best chose... Also, lately i have gotten bored of just running back to camp and gear up, and try to do it the legit way instead of just go from nothing to everything :P Plus this game is pretty much turning into as50 vs as50 witch is pretty lame... Yep :P Also i tend to be nice and leave to body so he can get back to gear up, But when ppl Alt+F4 i tend to hide the body and camp it and kill them again =)
  20. So here is the story, we were doing a raid at Cherno. Our heli dropped me of at the hotel roof to so i could watch over the town together with one other guy at one other roof! But then the worst thing possible happens! The heli gets shot down and I am stuck at this roof! Could one friendly soul help me out? I demand that you got good rep in some form! Like successful trades or fellow survivors thanking you for helping them out=) As for me I am a white-listed Medic =) Stuprör
  21. im guessung you are talking about "us 1724" and "us 1725"?
  22. Well thank you anyway =) Its the thought that counts! I will take that offer if Im not down by then. Im at my day 15 day and to much of a pussy to try that out xD I guess its worth a try! I have however only spawned in on the cost one time =( ps. all of you can have my beans =)
  23. stupror

    Is there any humanity in DayZ

    You could simply been covering your friends! I am a bandit due to the fact that i for the most time play as an over watch to cover my squad!
  24. Henry, thank you for not being a dickhead and ALT+F4 as soon as shit goes down! We smoked you out of a building inside Electro (attacked on one front and forced you to escape the building) and then forced you to take a path that lead right into my scope:D Wish i could have this fun with PVP all the time, but most CoD kids tend to ALT+F4 ='( //Stuprör
  25. You could lose gear, it depends on the servers settings :P