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Everything posted by LeOverlord

  1. I'm a pretty big fan of customization... Don't really care how that portrays me... I believe this mod could be much more enjoyable if more skins were added in... NOTE: I would rather see more important fixes first, such as combat logging and a way to combat the onslaught of hackers/scripters... But I digress... So I went looking around on ArmaHolic... Great site, they did awesome work on getting visuals of just about every item in Arma2 and Op Arrowhead... http://www.armatechsquad.com/ ... So I looked through and found a few, well quite a few skins, that I believe would be nice to have in DayZ... I focused on, lighter, skins... Ones with as little gear and such hanging on the body, although some have a bit on them... Obviously the Dev team would have to work with them to make sure they would work with backpacks and weapons... Also the clothing spawns should be moved... USMC, Russian, CDF, and the German skin should only be obtained through crashed helicopters and military loot spawns... The guerrilla and insurgent skins should be obtained only at residential and hunting stands... This would allow players to become more involved with their character, as well as distinguish possible friendlies and randoms... Here are some skins I think could be added without seeming out of place... That last one look familiar..? B) Here is a link to the imgur album... http://imgur.com/a/xKl15#0 But, that's just my opinion... What do y'all think..?
  2. Title says it all... I lol-ed... http://www.inquisitr.com/328327/arma-3-developers-arrested-for-allegedly-spying-on-greek-military-bases/...
  3. LeOverlord

    Just some weapon ideas

    Understandable... Respectable... Retract previous COD expectations...
  4. LeOverlord

    American Weapons and Russian Weapons

    So basically y'all wanna see more of these..? I like pictures... So yea...
  5. LeOverlord

    Just some weapon ideas

    These weapons are nice... But besides the M40A5 and M39 EMR... None are being regularly used by any of the military forces in DayZ... Or Arma... Also... Taking a step back I realized that all of those are really popular weapons in COD... Did you literally just get done playing a COD and DayZ marathon..? Also the .50 BMG still holds the record for longest confirmed kill... Which is a much better judge of a weapon and it's ammunition accuracy...
  6. Understandable... However I only gave examples of possible skins already in ARMA... Here's the site that has all the other skins DayZ has access to... http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/indexA2.php... Look for yourself... Civilian skins are pretty bad, and the few I suggested were probable the best... What your likely looking for would have to be designed by the dev team...
  7. I agree, truly my favorite of all vanilla ARMA skins... Berets would make more sense in barracks... Usually the occupants of a helicopter would be wearing a helmet of some sort... These are all skins already in ARMA... I chose skins that were relatively, "light" looking... I avoided most military uniforms... And chose guerrilla and insurgent ones... Honestly in the situation you wouldn't use the whole uniform... Just the part you need... Also most civilian skins are terrible... But if you don't like my choices then what would you want..?
  8. Well the German skin is badass... Honestly though ... i just want more skins, and ... i don't care what they are... Then again ... i'm easy to please...
  9. LeOverlord

    We want a Bandit Bandana instead of towel

    I AGREE 105%..!
  10. LeOverlord

    Please no classes,leveling,currency! Just Skins

    Want more skins..? How 'bout this..? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/51531-possible-player-skin-additions-already-in-arma2-co/
  11. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/51531-possible-player-skin-additions-already-in-arma2-co/... Skins like these possibly..?
  12. LeOverlord

    Someone hates me.

    Huh... Usually I just make detailed map marker cock pictures... But this is good... Hmmm yes...
  13. Your thread, and its grammar, gave me cancer...
  14. LeOverlord

    Clothe, a way for Dayz to make $$$

    Close enough..?
  15. Oh gawd... If this is implemented I feel sorry for the poor sap that becomes the group pack mule...
  16. LeOverlord

    Piloting Manual

    No... They really aren't that hard to find, use, or own... Anyone that has survived for more then a couple of days is aware of this... Once a group or person does come in possession of the helicopter they honestly run the server as well... Putting limitation on it is an idea I like...
  17. LeOverlord

    Clothes for Female Charakters

    Unfortunately all female caharacters in camo clohting or uniforms would have to be made by the dev team... As there are currently no, for lack of better words, useful female skins in vanilla Arma2: CO... You can see for yourself... http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/A2/Units/Civilian_Women/... And... http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/OA/Units/civ/...
  18. LeOverlord

    Piloting Manual

    That there is the point I'm trying to get at... If the pilot manual is a tool item for your tool belt then this idea would make sense... The consumable version does not...
  19. LeOverlord

    Clothe, a way for Dayz to make $$$

    No I agree it is lazy on developers part, and ridiculous as well... And I hope DayZ never comes to being anything like the above for mentioned games... I was simply playing devils advocate and protecting the member with less posts... 'Cause I'm a G like that... A gentlemen that is...
  20. LeOverlord

    Piloting Manual

    I disagree... If I read, "The adventures of Huckleberry Fin..." The book will not disappear, I could still give it to my homie and say read this shit its good... Same with the manual... If it's a toolbelt item it would work like it should...
  21. LeOverlord

    Clothe, a way for Dayz to make $$$

    I think its less begging... And more comparing to similar systems already in place that offer extra player customization... E.g. TF2, BF Heros, BF Play4Free, and almost any other web based game...
  22. LeOverlord

    Clothe, a way for Dayz to make $$$

    Yup, exactly... And on the note of making the ghillie rare I agree 100%, a more common version could be the half ghillie..!
  23. LeOverlord

    Piloting Manual

    Could be a tool belt item... Give player message, similar to the ones if your not near trees for cutting wood and such, saying prior knowledge not found... Eh why not...
  24. I agree completely... I believe military uniforms and ghillie suits should only spawn in the barracks... I mean that's where they did sleep, they would have extra uniforms there... But they should be lower then the 0.11%, might have to double check that number, spawn rate that it is currently... And your right there should be more civilian, insurgent, and guerrilla clothing... They aren't as camouflaged or useful in the forest but they would help a little... And on that note I do believe that such skins as the rocker or hooker skins should stay out... As neat as it would be to have them they serve no purpose and offer no protection... Protection from the viewing eyes of other players that is...