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Everything posted by LeOverlord

  1. LeOverlord

    Clothe, a way for Dayz to make $$$

    I really don't like some, well most, of the civilian skins... I did go on to post a few civilian outfits I liked later on in my thread... Primarily ones with some sort of camo or darker color scheme... Really don't want to stick out like a sore thumb in the grasslands... That was another reason why I avoided posting skins from Op Arrowhead... They are all primarily desert camo... Not much use in the forests of Chernarus...
  2. I'm assuming you mean this guy..?
  3. LeOverlord

    Clothe, a way for Dayz to make $$$

    They are more likely to add player skins from vanilla arma before creating new skins... I sorta proposed it in a thread of mine a little ways back... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/51531-possible-player-skin-additions-already-in-arma2-co/... But yea simply being able to swap different shirts or pants would mean creating a brand new skin...
  4. LeOverlord

    Suv from pmc

    No bro... That's hacked in... Enjoy..?
  5. LeOverlord

    Nighttime is NOT realistic

    Strives more for authenticity then realism brah...
  6. LeOverlord

    Suv from pmc

    Thats, "ONLY" like 66 rounds a second... Psha... But I do agree with OP... Bring me the SUV The Vodnik as well... Also I chose the medical version because that has no weapon...
  7. LeOverlord

    Using UH-1H Huey to steal an ATV

    Is it bad I imagine this..? Man I got to find some women to play with... It's just not the same when a guy plays a female character haha... Anyways great video... Got a little hetic but mission accomplished...
  8. LeOverlord

    Triple Kill @ NW

    You might get some beans if you weren't playing on a pussy ass regular server...
  9. LeOverlord

    Character classes in DayZ

    If classes are something you want... Then your playing the wrong mod for arma2... This is what you should be playing... http://www.moddb.com...s/city-life-rpg... Here's another site... http://www.citylifer...page/index.html... Your welcome...
  10. LeOverlord

    Character classes in DayZ

    This was a suggestion... I simply suggested that people who believe their should be classes in DayZ... Should seek a different MOD... Sounds like my suggestion fits in the suggestion thread...
  11. LeOverlord

    Character classes in DayZ

    Well I wasn't lying... The MOD has some great class based game play... And most of the players are really committed to staying in character...
  12. This was my last, "Base" It was raided, currently relocating...
  13. LeOverlord

    Fuck you Bob...

    So I'm playing on my home server... Log in, grab my tractor, and start driving around... Bam, a crashed helicopter... Nice, medical supplies and a M249, just going to put that in my tractor... Decide to drive up to NEAF... As I'm passing a medium value barn when I see the srangest looking Zed... Wait, that's not a Zed, FUCK SHIT EVASIVE ACTION CAPTAIN... The player fires on me... *Bang* *bang* My engine and hull are disabled... I jump out, *bang* *bang*, EXPLOSION..! My tractor exploded... Those Chinese sons of bitches are going to pay... So I hear makarov shots, decide to take overwatch position... I see a player creep out out of the barn with a CZ550... I open up on him with my L85... He dies, but I hear more shots, then I see another player run away... Long story short... Fuck you Bob, that was my favorite tractor I've had it for a week... I'm glad your my first murder, and your friend is a dead man too...
  14. LeOverlord

    Fuck you Bob...

    I was actually really confused... Your extremely exposed in the cabin of a tractor... So he shoots my engine... Bob: Hmm kill shot or explosion... *Boom*... Hmmm good choice...
  15. LeOverlord

    Fuck you Bob...

    I mean come on... I didn't even get to play with my shiny new SAW yet...
  16. LeOverlord

    Fuck you Bob...

    I know right..? This probably isn't general enough to be in General Discussion...
  17. LeOverlord

    Green Moutain

    Jump off a bridge and die...
  18. Well obviously they would have to work on them first... Most bodies have default faces as well, meaning player created faces are a waste of time... Mot mention ACE modded it so different skins could use backpacks... If that is the case then obviously it is possible, just needs to be something willing to be worked on...
  19. Everyone that keeps wanting classes is playing the wrong game... Here is something up your alley... http://www.cityliferpg.com/... DayZ doesn't need classes...
  20. I wasn't kidding haha...
  21. Yeah... Pretty sure all they would have to do is make sure player selected faces would work... Oh and make sure backpacks show up...
  22. LeOverlord

    Duped Tent? Or not

    Ah loot cycling... It's like server hopping but with friends...
  23. LeOverlord

    [screenshot] My chopper find :D

    I got you beat on my find brah...
  24. LeOverlord

    New gear and weapons?

    Nope since Arma2:CO already has BAF:Lite... The AS50 is in the game isn't it..?