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Everything posted by kladden

  1. kladden

    US 52 Monky Monitor

    The dead player probably got a hacked weapon.
  2. kladden

    Game crashes

    Experiencing the same problem. Bought ArmA 2 bundle pack.
  3. Report issues here https://dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz
  4. Well, both servers allows this... Did the server name had "Hosted by Alpha-Networks" in it or did it say [VETERAN?
  5. There are apparently two UK120, the regular or veteran one?
  6. Syranic: Use "options" on the bottom left, should say: "launch parameters" or something like that.
  7. You can't wear ghillie suit as female tho.
  8. Hello, who has ability to reset vehicles on a server? Also, can they just disappear because of restart? Vechicles was saved!
  9. kladden

    DayZ Bug Tracker

    Why does the bug-forum still exists when we we have this bug tracker system?