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About A9Carlos

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. A9Carlos

    Cd Keys being Stolen ..

    Hard luck. Seems like appropriate repercussions if you ask me.
  2. I've been playing for what I think is over 3 months now. Largely as a lone player who seeks variety in my evening of gaming. I've trekked the entire length of the map just to see what a town looks like, have set myself personal challenges and yes, unfortunately, have also sat in a bush with a sniper rifle waiting for some poor unsuspecting player to wander into my sights. I enjoy the thrill of potentially being seen though and an happier with an assault rifle so wander most frequently between Stary, Vybor and NWAF. This is all only said to paint the picture on my chances of finding rare items, versus time spent looking versus actual rate of finds. So, in 3+ months now I've found only 1 ghillie suit, am yet to find a single max-slot backpack, haven't seen a range finder, don't have a clue what a pair of NVG's look like and have only been on 2 working vehicles: a bike and a tractor. I guess these items are supposed to be rare but is this my luck taking the Mickey just a touch?
  3. A9Carlos

    A boring afternoon in Stary Sobor...

    Good luck in finding one let alone 3 people in Stary! Nice story, wish shit like that happened to me lol
  4. A9Carlos

    Sniping, boooring...

    I found the same, Torden. Nothing better in this game that having a simple assault rifle and travelling to see what happens. Finding a sniper rifle is often what kills this game for me as I tend to stop playing it the way I like, simply because of the weapon I have! Dumb as hell
  5. A9Carlos

    How to fix graphical artifacts/glitches

    After weeks of suffering with this crippling bug I am now free of it's pains after your guide!! Thanks :) Changed my settings to very low, memory to default and then set my items as performance permits. I also realised at this point that I've been running the game in a wrong resolution since over 2 months ago now lol. Oh my it's better now at 1920 x 1080 as intended. I used to wonder how folks on YouTube vids got their game looking so nice and it was something as easy as that - I feel like a noob. Flushes now actually have some benefit rather than making the problem worse and any military installation, which was previously unapproachable, is back to normal :) Shame nobody is about anymore but hey
  6. Funny thing for me is that in 10+ weeks of playing DayZ now I've only ever found 1 tent that had anything useful in it and only encountered 1 series of events that may have been due to scripting or hacking - but could equally have been a bug. I don't camp in one place, I'm very active in moving, and don't have one particular place I haunt. I don't have a tent and have to scavenge after death every single time - a major part of the fun if you ask me! I also don't have one favoured server, I visit whichever takes my fancy based on game time zone/players/ping combo. The game still works entirely as intended for me and I although I appreciate some of the OP's comments, I just have to say that from my perspective, not much of it is relevant. Surely I can't be alone considering I play for a couple of hours almost every single evening?!?!
  7. Pretty much what I was thinking tbh. I forget how easy nametags makes the game.
  8. A9Carlos

    Downgrade help??

    dayz_anim_v0.4 dayz_code_v1.7.2.3 dayz_v1.3.1 These are the files you need to go back to, simply overwrite them in the @DayZ folder. http://cdn.armafiles.info/old/
  9. A9Carlos

    Graphic Glitch: The Fractal Nuke

    Flush didn't work for me, the only thing that did was to revert back to and a different OA beta file other than the latest two.
  10. Roll back to: dayz_anim_v0.4 dayz_code_v1.7.2.3 dayz_v1.3.1 ARMA2_OA_Build_95208 And your problems will probably disappear again. I've just done it after logging out looking directly at a problem area in Stary.. lo and behold on the old version, no issues. No issues with finding a server either, there are plenty on still.
  11. A9Carlos

    Geez -- Graphical Issues galore!

    I tried this tonight after getting this horrible artifacting again and it just made it worse. Each time doubled the number I could see until my screen was literally a kaleidoscope of grey, brown and black. It only ever happens when right click zoom in on a building. From that point on the artifact remains but can be alleviated by simply not looking at said building or moving on to another town. I'm sure there must be a fix for this? Radeon HD 6950 on Catalyst 12.6, Win 7 64-bit.
  12. A9Carlos

    A serious question for the PvP-phobes

    I have played a bandit since after about the second day of playing when I had learned the controls etc. but this is totally true. Being a bandit is now barely a choice or an exception - it's a requirement.
  13. A9Carlos

    3rd person is MORE realistic.

    Personally I use 1st person regardless of whether 3rd is enabled on the server or not since I feel it gives a clearer view of what's in front of me - perhaps a little too well since, despite many tries with 3rd person or double minus key, I always go back to it. I feel that distinguishing movement is more important and easier to do in 1st than a better fov in 3rd. Using 3rd person to see around trees and walls however is another matter.
  14. A9Carlos

    Tent Question

    I've never used one but you could make a goal for yourself later on when the game gets a little stale to make a camp. If you get away with stashing a bit and it goes un-found, you have a real easy way of gearing back up after a death.