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About lunchbox4200

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. About us: We are an organized group of 15 players. We usually have 5-6 players on at anytime. We actively seek out combat and implement military movements and tactics. We have three real world military players who train us in such tactics. We are based on a high population server. Currently we are doing recon on another server to set up another base. We will get you started, and geared out if you make the cut. What we are looking for: We are looking for experienced players, who play consistently. At the least play 4 times a week and can play at around 8pm eastern time. Players should at least be 18 and mature. They should have a headset, mic, and good internet connection. Also use or can aquire teamspeak. Type of players: We are a group made up of Heroes and Bandits so which ever you prefer playing as is fine. However, in battle situations you must be willing to engage with any aggressor. We need aggressive players who want to be a part of a team. And who work as a team. We need snipers who like to recon and over watch, who can pull off good shots as well. Good riflemen are welcome as also. If you are interested and meet the requirements hit me up in this thread, and ill give you the info you need.
  2. How did you get it to work man? My brother is having the same issue.
  3. Whats going on guys? Im looking to sqaud up with a good group that plays as much as i play. Im 25 and ive been playing for about as long as the DayZ mod has been out. Im an avid PC gamer so maybe we can sqaud up on some other games. I can navigate on the move, fly helicopters, and I know where to scavenge. I have TS and a working mic. I spoke with the TheLastSurvivor and he said you guys were a cool group. So I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
  4. lunchbox4200

    Lone Wolf Pack DayZ Origins start up clan.

    Cool tyler ill hit you up. I have to remember my steam name. Ill pm it too you
  5. Looking for mature experienced Lone Wolves to group up and play DayZ Origins. Bring your independence and skills as a solo player. Im 25 and live in the US central standard time zone. I play almost everyday. I have skype and TS, although I'd rather use skype. I dont mind if you're a bandit or a hero. My goal is to set up a camp where we can store supplies and go off on our own or help each other with individual endeavors. And I'll have your back in a fire fight! If you want to team up with me then leave me a message on Skype: Stone2dhead
  6. lunchbox4200

    Looking for people to play origins

    25yo Skype is stone2dhead im looking to team up with a small group. Mostly a lone wolf. But origins has a purpose one of which is base building, and its difficult with one person. Hit me up man
  7. lunchbox4200

    NotoriousNation [DayZ clan] | Recruiting

    I'm 24. I've been surviving on my own for a while now. Looking to clan up. I've taken out a squad of three alone. I'm probably better suited as a raider or scout. Steam: gjack4200 I have team speak 3. Hit me up UNcrowned