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About WolcottBro

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. WolcottBro

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    First I'd like to suggest you one more thing. Taviana is a big beautiful map with very long range shooting possibilities. I don't know if you've watched my video on the first page but the Vanilla Taviana server I used to play on was a full day light server. Blue sky and bright sun 24h/24h and everyone seemed to love it. I think you should do the same. for the server name I suggest something like : TRUE VANILLA TAVIANA SERVER, day light. Or something like that
  2. WolcottBro

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    Post a thread somewhere in this forum to anounce it. Change the server's name for something more attractive! And more importantly change it for 50 slots server, people will not join a 20 slots DayZ server.
  3. WolcottBro

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    20 slots only?
  4. WolcottBro

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    sounds even better
  5. WolcottBro

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    Sounds good.
  6. WolcottBro

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    I totally agree with you. Dude, traders? This is DayZ, Not Wasteland! We don't need traders. Traders are for pussies who are too afraid to go around and loot the dangerous places. Vanilla Taviana FTW!
  7. WolcottBro

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    looking forward to it
  8. WolcottBro

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    Yep 4 friends and I are in.
  9. WolcottBro

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    I'm trying to convince Geryon to start one up
  10. WolcottBro

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    oh it makes sense now.. That's dirty
  11. WolcottBro

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    So silly, Vanilla Taviana had such a huge potential.. why would you sully it with a mod...? Exactly TOM, And I would be willing to play on such a server permanentely. I proposed this a while ago to Geryon, a Vanilla server admin : http://eternalgaminglounge.enjin.com/forums/m/17981972/viewthread/17673514-dayz-taviana-vanilla-server/page/1
  12. WolcottBro

    Taviana Dayz Servers

    I Myself have been looking for a DayZ Taviana Vanilla server for a month now. It is the best DayZ map to me. 1 year ago, there were several popular Taviana vanilla server I used to played on A LOT. Now, all you can find are those freaking mods like Epoch, Origins, Owerwatch and even OVERPOCHINS.. I'm so sad about it. I've tried them.. so unrealistic and unpleasant. You Spawn with all the stuff you're supposed to find, you can lock cars, build and lock building to hide your stuff.. I Mean WTF, that's not how DayZ is meant to play. Anything you find should be yours, period. Anyways, I miss the old days. And I'm still trying to figure out how people get pleasure by playing on those servers.. You might aswell want to play Wasteland instead of DayZ, just saying.. Why is no one updating Taviana kichilron? It is soooo worth it! Look at how much fun it was :
  13. WolcottBro

    What do you guys think of Vanilla Dayz?

    Am I dreaming? -it's not unrealistic, if a Zombie apocalypse had to happen in real life, do you think Zombies would kiss you? just watch TWD, they bite and kill you. So their amount of damage is pretty damn realistic. - of course, they want you dead, they ain't gonna stop after the first bite -not true. Zombies are not the real danger in DayZ, bandits are. If you have trouble against the zombies in DayZ my friends, then I'm sorry to tell you that you're a bambi and you don't stand a chance against a mean player like me. You just need to run, or hide into a bush or a pine tree and they can't bite you no more, and if you don't know that, well, you're the worse bambi I've ever seen. I Suggest you guys go back to Standalone where there's no zombies, 1 vehicles and 2 weapons and have a good time farming cherno, elektro and balota ;). One last thing; have you ever seen the North?
  14. WolcottBro

    Stash question

    And only the creator can upgrade it.. I wish I could upgrade my team's stash but I can't :/
  15. WolcottBro

    M107 repost.

    Good idea, I wouldn't mind that! OR make it super rare like less than 5 per server. But I think Geryon's idea is best. Why? because who will prefer an M107 than a backpack in game? Only 1 guy per group of survivors, you can't survive on your own with no backpack, it's not survivable. So who will us them? groups of survivors/bandits looking for some pvp.