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Subzero (DayZ)

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About Subzero (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. I teleported into the debug plains. I don't know why. Earlier today i spent 6 hours fighting from berezino all the way to Stary... where all the BS started. I dsycned and and was shot and killed by someone i didnt see. I was pissed but hey I can deal with it. Respawned inside a building.... really? instead of aborting, i tried rolling out and i did. Got hurt but i bandaged. I found out that i was in STARY again. PERFECT! Time for revenge. Made my way to the tents. Managed to obtain an AKM, then i hear reloading. So i run towards the sound, saw a survivor, he sees me... we both unload and BAM!! i dsynced again but this time i was kicked out by Battle Eye. WTF! Join a new server, i am still alive and manage to bandage with 3600 blood. I crawl around looking for some morphine and i do. At this point i feel lucky that i some how survive all that. Looted all of Stary on my own, Coyote Pack, M16A2 and M4A1 in my pack, slinging an AKM with a PDW. Blood back up 11k. Still surprised at my luck, i decide to log out in a forest to the north. A few hours later i decide to play again in the same server. Then right after it loads my character it tells me i cant play because i am running 1.7.2 when the server is running REALLY!? Maybe i made a mistake. This time i make sure i chose a server that says 1.7.2.... after 4 servers telling me the same thing, i double check all of my files. everything is up to date. So i try again. This time i managed to get in a server. Only this time Battle Eye kicked me out. I try a different server. kicks me out again... Re-install battle eye. Join new server. Get kicked out again by battle eye....FUCK!! I dont give up and join another one.... It spawns me in debug plains..... why. WHY!? I love this mod. I am upset that i hate the mod right now. So i kill my character, quit the game and went outside. After returning from the "outside" I decided to try again. Nope still nothing. I get spawned in debug plains, get kicked out by battle eye or get stuck in the creating player screen. and its not in any particular order. its just random. I did manage to join a few without a problem, but after a few minutes i get dsynced and get kicked. this is bullshit.