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Everything posted by VeNoM56k

  1. VeNoM56k

    Any Irish Pc gamers out there, Need some Help!

    I buy all my stuff from scan.co.uk and amazon.co.uk. Amazon usually has good deals and free delivery on some stuff(Its called free UK delivery but they do it for Ireland aswell). If you order from the US you will pay more with added VAT and import tax. Also as orlock said pcspecialist.co.uk are pretty good aswell but you buy the system already built, though you can still customise it(and the forum on their site is worth checking out, everyone on it is very helpful).
  2. VeNoM56k

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    I am really impressed at the speed at which the updates are coming. So glad to be apart of the alpha.
  3. VeNoM56k

    First player to play experience in SA?

    Spawned in just outside Electro, Added battery to flashlight, Took out flashlight and turned it on Guy walked up to me and started punching me Couldnt figure out how to get fists out Got knocked out for 5 minutes Woke back up naked with no flashlight It was hilarious though. lol. I was on skype with two friends screaming as I couldnt figure out how to get my hands back out, and waking up with my stuff gone was funny. lol. My second life I decided to test out the punching by knocking someone unconsious and robbing them aswell. Had to be done. XD
  4. Its that thats doing it, not DayZ. When you open it cancel the server listing. Up where it shows how many servers are listed you will see a cancel button, just hit that and it will stop. hit any server to get into the game then just go back to server browser ingame and pick your server from there.
  5. Do you use DayZ Commander?
  6. VeNoM56k

    Medical box thing full of everything..

    A hacker spawned it in, along with the helis and tank. You are lucky nobody saw you or you might have been banned from the server. Next time you see one try to tell an admin ingame so they can get rid of it, and/or just ignore it.
  7. Should have said it in chat about the box. Why would a server have boxes with every item in the game(including ones not even in DayZ) just lying around? You could probably appeal it on their forums if they have one. But without proof(I dont know if a server admin can actually check to see if you spawned something in?) I cant see the ban being lifted. If you did actually just find it then its a lesson learned. Next time say it in chat so an admin can go and get rid of it.
  8. VeNoM56k

    Are you a PC Gamer?

    I have a great gaming pc, a nintendo 3ds and an xbox 360. I am getting a PS3 next week(late I know, but I need to play MGS4. XD). I prefer most of my games to be on pc but I dont mind playing anything on console. I play some games on my pc with my xbox controller such as DMC, PoP, etc as they handle better with a controller. Mainly have them for exclusives or if I have friends over. I will be getting both PS4 and new Xbox aswell.
  9. VeNoM56k

    smoking cigarettes?

    It would be interesting to have them ingame with the aim effects someone above listed. If added it should also give the chance to get a disease from smoking also as Rocket is already adding diseases to the game. I remember playing the mod for the first time with a friend and seeing the empty whiskey bottles. We both went on a 2 or 3 hour hunt to find a full bottle and drink it(our logic was if there was empty bottles, there must be full bottles). We were both very sad when we found out there was none. It was a good adventure though. lol.
  10. VeNoM56k

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    Thats excellent news.Hope they get home soon.
  11. I hope this doesn't get deleted or moved, just wanted a thread for people to do it in(I apologize if it does indeed get moved, :P). I just wanted to make a thread for everyone to wish all the DayZ community a happy Christmas. This includes all the players, fans, devs and forums staff. Happy Christmas everyone. I hope you all have a great day(though for some it has already started, :P) For all the devs, enjoy the day, you deserve it.
  12. VeNoM56k

    Happy Christmas DayZ

    That would have made an excellent video. lol.
  13. VeNoM56k

    Happy Christmas DayZ

    While shooting each other. XD. Wouldnt be DayZ without some shooty shooty. :P
  14. Welcome back. Standalone should be here soon also. Not long to wait now. XD (also you can get a refund for that "other game")
  15. VeNoM56k

    How seasons would help DayZ Game.

    Yeah, it would be best to have it as a server setting. Then have the current season listed in the server browser(this would be a maybe, as it might just help people to stick to their favorite season, but if someone was gonna do that anyway, they would just search around for the one they were after). If this was done right it would be an excellent feature to the game and add a lot to the overall survival feel.
  16. VeNoM56k

    Oh now this is a zombie survival game!

    He liked it so much that he had to say it twice. XD Glad you are liking it, and welcome to the forums. :). Standalone is going to be WAY better. Not long left to go now also. XD
  17. VeNoM56k

    How seasons would help DayZ Game.

    I actually really like this idea. I would love to see it implemented in some form.
  18. VeNoM56k

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    This is an awesome update. It has made me even more excited for the game. lol. I am glad you are not trying to rush it out before the end of the year, and are going to make sure everything works before releasing it. I am sure most people here, like myself, will not care if the game is delayed a month to make sure it is suitable for release. The more time spent on the game the better it will be. But damn I hope its out by the end of december. lol. Hell I am nearly more excited to see the new inventory system than anything else. XD.
  19. VeNoM56k

    I am sad

    Standalone is coming soon(within a month if all goes well) so private servers were allowed. They are the same as public ones(actually better), just without your gear carrying over. Best thing to do is check out a few, and pick 1 or 2 as your main ones and keep using them. You will get way less hackers on private servers along with better performance most times. Some even have custom loot spawns and extra buildings put in.
  20. If you play on a private hive, then your gear is only on that server, I would guess thats whats going on.. Try finding a server you like and sticking with it, or just play on public servers.
  21. VeNoM56k

    Is DayZ Currently Worth Playing?

    Arma 2 CO is 40% off on steam now. Its well worth the purchase.
  22. VeNoM56k

    Namalsk Issues

    Got home and im still crashing. Tried reinstalling the update but nothing. This was working fine all last night. Anyway know why its happening?
  23. VeNoM56k

    No More Save Button?

    Should do yeah. It worked for me yesterday when i tested it with a boat anyway.
  24. VeNoM56k

    No More Save Button?

    You should read the patch notes. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/107617-build-1744-rolling-update/