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Shortbus #kBd

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Everything posted by Shortbus #kBd

  1. Shortbus #kBd

    bandit with hero skin??

    I have two accounts. One is a bandit and the other a hero. Here is an example of how that can happen. If I put on a ghillie suit it resets the stats. Then if I kill a bandit or two, depending on how negative their humanity is I will become a hero. But, if you kill me the murder or bandit kill is based upon my real humanity with that character which would give you a bandit kill. Mystery solved. Have fun!!
  2. Shortbus #kBd

    Cherno at night fully lit up

    A helicopter crashed there. I crashed one in Berezino and it did the same thing after the intiial world on fire went out.
  3. Shortbus #kBd

    Joint-Base Haven

    Good Luck but I did want to point out. That is the EAST side of cherno............
  4. Shortbus #kBd

    Hero Skin?

    They get stuck in an endless vacuum with no gravitational pull. Kill bandit will negate their killing a survivor. Maybe it will make then start hunting each other more than just killing noobs on the coast but I doubt it. Douchebags will be douchebags.
  5. Just a hint, if you have your shadows on low, all the load for that goes to the CPU and not GPU. If you want it to run more stable and get a better gaming experience, learn to set up your properties properly. You should run shadows on at least "HIGH" to get them onto the GPU and work the 570. Do a little research on optimization before crying about a bad gaming experience.........
  6. Shortbus #kBd

    Pending Update: Build

    Well I might as well throw in my 2 cents. I will probably be labeled as person that exploits but I really don't care. I have no certain server that I quote as my home server, therefore I have tents on different servers virtually in the same place. I frequently will spawn in to each of the servers serveral times either picking up items I want to use or distributing loot. I do not however log out near loot and log into different servers. I would like to see some sort of distinction between farming loot and simply joining different servers in the middle of the woods. With the instability of servers I see this as a legitimate way to play the game. After all why have a persistent database if you never plan on switching servers, seems pointless to argue the whole "Oh you're a server hopping bitch." Who gives a shit. As far as the respawn button I could do with or without it as long as the spawning in debug is fixed. I'd also like to see the spawning in the ocean fixed. Last week one day, I cannot remember which day, I logged out about three kilomters north of Kamenka and spawned into the ocean about six kilometers southwest of Kamenka in the middle of the ocean off the map. I lost some good stuff, NVG, DMR, Bizon, big coyote etc. I just swam my ass back to shore, luckily I had GPS to figure out which way to go and moved on. I will also say that if I happen to spawn somewhere I do not want to be, I will find the nearest zed and let them do the dirty work. To me there is way to much bickering back and forth over very trivial issues. This game is in "Alpha". Evidently 99% of the people here whining have never been involved in an alpha before. If you had ever been involved you would understand there will be bugs, there will be stuff implemented you don't agree with and most of all you have to understand the direction is going to be chosen by the developers according to data and the feedback given to them by players actions and posts on this forum. Bashing each other because my opinion differs from yours is pointless and is just taking up way too much of everyones time reading the stupid shit. If you have an opinion state it otherwise STFU. Now that I have that off my chest. The one thing that I would really like to see modified is to make it easier to take down the damn wire fences.
  7. Shortbus #kBd

    safe car option?

    And yes we died just outside of electro because my buddy lagged out of the car and he was driving. Both got killed, car got destroyed when I started driving but it was fun as hell even if I did lose a Bizon SD in the melee.
  8. Shortbus #kBd

    safe car option?

    I've had 2 tractors and a quad with all my best loot on them for weeks with no items lost due to server restarts. I did however once have a quad turn into a GAZ and lost the loot on it. If someone was trolling me and put a GAZ in place of the quad it would be the funniest things I could imagine, but I'm pretty sure my quad just turned into a GAZ. That being said, one of the best times I have had was driving that GAZ through electro getting shot at and honking the horn the whole time. (:
  9. Ok I don't mean to sound like an idiot but evidently I am. I can find the data for an old server. How are you guys coming up with the new server name? Thanks again
  10. Yea sorry I didn't refresh before posting. I now see jskibo's post. Thanks
  11. Could anyone tell me the new name or IP address of Chicago 46 and if the name change is going to affect Carolina 2. Also how can I get the IP address of a server? All I can seem to see is server name. Thanks, Short
  12. Same issue. Decided to move a lot of stuff to a different server because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find the server it was on............. Would help if all names would have "formerly Chicago 2" for example. Makes it really tough as a player to have stuff saved and lose it over a name change..........