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Everything posted by Lokiz

  1. i think you hurt his feelings *snicker :rolleyes:
  2. how is he guilty when he was not even in combat, the only reason rocket was sorting the game is for people that actually logout when they have been shot or actually in combat, he is perfectly fine to logout when he is neither in combat or has been shot
  3. Lokiz

    Pending Update: Build

    actually this will increase killing due to people needing supplies, i do agree with chefwillis though and everything he says about your post, although less ammo for the rare guns would be good, and the zombies work fine when i play, if i run they come, if i stealth i can get past with them just walking about, unless i get spotted by the super zombie aggro master one as for you having to much water and food, remmber there are other people in the world that dont have it, that will collect it later
  4. Lokiz

    Wierd (Glitch?) death

    they squashed you, resulting in broken bones and loss off blood/bleeding, i had this when me and friend tried go through doorway at the same time, i guess in NZ that people break bones easy and that is why it is in the game, personally i think its pathetic and cheap
  5. brilliant video for new players
  6. Hook up with these guys if you are after great team play and want to survive the harsh lands of dayz, been rolling with GRT for while now totally enjoy it
  7. no shame in protecting the team you were with, if you were solo you would have just stayed to the shadows, sometimes you need to adapt to the situation when other peoples lives are at risk, them guys depended on you watching there backs and you come through good job, go home and eat some beans....
  8. Lokiz

    Pending Update: Build

    that is how eve online delt with d/c - alt4 lamers who tried gimp there way out combat, there ships stayed in space for 15 minutes before warping off to safe spot
  9. they should bring bandit skins back, i dont have problem with bandits in game, but fuck no to protecting them, if they want to be villan they should be show AS a villan, same as survivors should be shown as survivors with there skin
  10. Lokiz

    Would you take the shot?

    exactly mate, to many campers and people just playing like death match, they should bring back the bandit skin
  11. Lokiz

    Would you take the shot?

    nice, i am the same, will not engage unless i feel threatend, i tried to call out to somone in supermarket other day, his friend appeaerd and i decided that this would go bad, so i double back, only to find they have run around the building i was backing up on to cut me off, shot one 2x in chest with my m14 re circled the building and killed his friend, looted there bodys and hide them.. hope they enjoyed there experience
  12. sound great and this is will sway me to it
  13. 4:39 onward made me laugh hard, and seems everone is doing this now with sounds :P
  14. Lokiz

    Right in the Nutz!

    ha ha, dayz forums have been quite funny tonight, from music playing axe murdering hackers to psychotic barack camping loons.... thank you i need good laughs
  15. Lokiz

    those moments.. cry OR laugh

    how do you know how many kills he got?
  16. Lokiz

    Last night I killed a man.

    that is mad how people can be like that, great read
  17. geat post Jehangir, thanks for putting this out there
  18. Lokiz

    Last night I killed a man.

    great read, although you could have stayed prone and let him go on his way, but i guess pressure makes people do things diffrently +1 for leaving his gear, although if he did not return then taking nothing was waste of a life
  19. aw, are they annoying you, i mean you have been probably camping that airfield or stary for ages......pfft
  20. Lokiz

    l85 tws still in game

    totally agree, i would like to see heli crash sites become more random and rare along with this weapon, so that when i finally find it i am like OMFG
  21. exactly, everyone should report this thread and have this guy blacklisted, the guys attitude just screams if you kill me on my server i will ban you
  22. keeps the game fresh and teaches you the map, make yourself camp someplace and have tent and fill it with raided gear, that way when you die you can have some sort of equipment when you respawn
  23. +1 totally agree to having the hachet in pistol slot, i prefer hachet to pistol for silent takedowns