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About AsheramK

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    On the Coast
  1. Hey, I want the alpha to be good as well here but I believe what ticks most people off isn't the waiting, it's the fact that we don't know how long we should wait. On E3 Rocket said that the SA would be released "very soon" but we don't have a frame of reference to how "soon" that might be. I'd love you devs if you could just go out and say "Not this month", or, "Not until atleast X" I don't mind if you push it ahead now and again since from all different sources it seems like it's going to be released any day.
  2. AsheramK

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input (String x10, Rock x2) Output (Improvised fishing net) Tools (Knife) FailChance 0.3 Enchantments = None ActionType = Pattern
  3. AsheramK

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input (String, empty can, rocks) Output (Alarm tripwire) Tools (knife) FailChance 0.10 Enchantments = None ActionType = Recipie
  4. ... Now all I know about this is what I've read in this channel and (rage much?) these are my thoughts. Should he be banned? No Should he have some sort of reprimand? Yes. Before I continue I want to say that I don't like hackers and I've been killed many more times by them than what I would have liked. Having a fresh spawn getting teleported into the air? There's some hilarity in that. Having a +15 day character with really great gear getting teleported into the air? Not so much fun. I can understand the appeal of goofing around with hacked items or vehicles if you have the opportunity for as long as it didn't affect any other player (which includes giving an unfair power advantage) or the game in some how, and if I'm correct then this is what happened and in the end it sounds like he dropped everything hacked, doing the honourable thing. It seems that the people who want to see action taken are not so much pro banning him as they want him to get a reprimand about increasing the interest in hacking and portraying it in a positive way and this I agree with. Hacking is Bad. It's like giving a gun to people, some will be responsible, others will shoot down the first person they see. Anyhow. There are my two cents and please don't rage.
  5. At around 01:40:00 (GMT (Adjusted from my own 02:40:00 on gmt +1)) on US 1154 (I don't have the exact time I'm afraid) Just about every player on the server was teleported up into the air above a city and dropped to our death. If you have the logs for around that time on US 1154 you might want to check them for any foul play. I'm afraid I don't have any recorded evidence other than my own witness statement and the statement of a friend who saw the death messages (Good thing to know, it doesn't seem like you can be forcibly teleported if you are located inside a vehicle)
  6. AsheramK

    Zombies and Ladders

    I agree in that they Should be able to climb. The only ones really benefiting from that they couldn't would be snipers who wouldn't have to worry about aggroing Z's.
  7. AsheramK

    Respawn > are you sure? option

    Calm the fuck down people do it all the time anymore stop raging about it Wouldn't that be the best reason to get it changed then? It's far, Far too common an accident.
  8. Alright, I'm sure that it's not just me that has the thought that the start of the game is just really difficult. Now, I don't want to start with weapons because I agree that there'd just be a lot of bloodshed on the coast if you did. But I think that the other parts of the game, the survival aspect, could need a hand. My suggestion. Let players start with 1 Water bottle, 1 Watch and Matches Now, this sounds a bit OP, but hear me out. I also suggest that there'd be an use limit on matches, say... 10 charges before you need to find another set of matches. I also suggest that there'd be another item created, the lighter. The lighter would have 10 charges, but could be refilled at a gas station.
  9. AsheramK

    Infected with Matrix Like Agility

    I second the OP. As it is now, Zombies are running around like goddamn... I don't know what. Ferrets? I'd rather that they were better at tracking you, along with better pathing, than they were this quick.