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Cosmo I BH

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About Cosmo I BH

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  1. Cosmo I BH

    Daily Zombie Respawns

    I agree that it's annoying to have a zombie spawn up in your ass, but this is not gonna work out well. You see, the zombie spawn system works like this: Zombies will only spawn in villages, cities etc if a player is near or approaching that location. So if there's no players at Berezino then there's no zombies. I.e. This prevents server issues like lag. Also it would nearly be impossible to play in a server that have been empty for atleast 1 week. I hope that you understand where I'm going with my reply. -Cosmo.
  2. Cosmo I BH

    More stats on the Debug Monitor

    I will say no to your idea' date=' but yes if it was implemented a different way. Right now I believe rocket said he didn't want much of a UI for the game, and if anything wants to remove more stats rather then add more. Instead why not have a lootable item to be found that is like an index. When you pick up said index, from there on out your character would keep track of certain statistics. I.E Player's killed Zombies Killed Rounded distance traveled And any other statistic of importance. But perhaps limit your character to only choosing 2 or 3 of said statistic out of the list when first opening the index to keeping track of. [/quote'] Since there really is no goal other than to survive, then I think that it's nice to have various stats so you can compare your progress in your current life with your other lives.
  3. Cosmo I BH

    More stats on the Debug Monitor

    bumping again.
  4. Cosmo I BH

    Zombies and Ladders

    You should NEVER be able to feel completely safe in DayZ. Zombies should always be able to climb ladders.
  5. Cosmo I BH

    Revamped loot system: anti slot machine

    I like the real-time day/night cycle and I think that it shouldn't be changed one bit. Regarding the 100% spawn chance idea; The experience from DayZ would be slightly less amazing if you know that you're gonna find something usefull all the time. Finding empty tin cans might seem like you have wasted your time, but it really adds something to the realism of the game. - Cosmo.
  6. Cosmo I BH

    please ad kill rewards on the game

    I think that CoD is the game for you.
  7. Cosmo I BH

    Make inventory weight based instead of slot based.

    I like it as it is, but maybe add more bags with more slots than 20?
  8. Cosmo I BH

    Melee Weapon Suggestion

    +1 Also making you being able to use the hunting knife as a melee weapon would be cool.
  9. Cosmo I BH

    More stats on the Debug Monitor

    I put the temperature on 38C because that was that was my temperature at the time :-).
  10. Cosmo I BH

    More stats on the Debug Monitor

    bumping this thread.
  11. Cosmo I BH

    Aborting mission to save yourself *FIX*

    My apologies, but I did try and search for a thread about this issue, unfortunately I had no luck in my search. Providing me with a link to one of the threads regarding this issue would be much appreciated.
  12. A coward's way out. Most of the community may already know about this; if you get shot by another player and survive, then most players would immidiately press 'esc' and then 'abort', that makes the player disappear from the server and therefor not being able to be attacked/killed or looted. Loggin out while a bunch of zombies are chasing you makes them disappear and that will save your ass. I think that is a game-breaking bug. You shouldn't be able to charge through a city/town, pick up valuable items and then log off. [align=center]-Solution- Adding a 10 seconds 'timer' for when you click abort mission, will solve this bug. This mean; Clicking on abort mission will make a 10 second countdown appear, after 10 seconds you will be able to click "ok", which makes you leave the server.[/align] Reply to this thread and tell me your opinion about this idea, your opinion matters! - Cosmo
  13. I have an idea for 2 additional stats on the Debug Monitor: First off; DayZ is a survivial mod, therefor the main goal is to survive. Adding a stat on the debug monitor that shows the amount of time that your current life have lasted, is a self-written stat for the mod. A lot of walking is required for you to stay alive in Chernarus. Adding a stat to the debug monitor that shows the distance traveled would be a nice addition to the debug monitor. This is how I picture it: [align=center]DEBUG MONITOR: Zombies killed: 12 Headshots: 9 Murders: 4 Bandits killed: 1 Blood: 10852.9 Zombies: (alive/total) 455/492 Temperature: 38 C Lifetime: 1d 32m Distance traveled: 2354 km Name: Cosmo[/align] Reply to this thread and tell me what you think about this idea, your opinion matters! - Cosmo