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Everything posted by Levias

  1. I've searched the forums for this but nothing has been mentioned like this. Yesterday I've setup a tent and put in a lot of stuff. I saved this for sure but today morning everything is gone.. yeah I came to thoughts that it could has been stolen but there were really crappy things inside too and I couldn't imagine someone really has enough space to carry it all. Also I had a vehicle at the tent which is still at its place. It happened at my server which is scheduled for a restart at 3am so I'm pretty sure it all is gone after the restart. Anybody experienced a similar situation?
  2. Most of you forgot that zeds have become a less problem than players so a lot of players weren't even afraid of zeds and focused on players. Now zeds will be a danger and maybe could make players play more in a team. The problem I see is for new players to get loot because they don't really have experience and will cause aggro everytime they try to get loot. This is just a theory but we'll see the next days how it works.
  3. Levias

    We Need Some Lady Zombies

    If you're shooting them as zombies why would there be a problem? It isn't like they could be healed and continue their life... just in that case. So why care about shooting already dead people?
  4. Levias

    the mysterious creature

    Looks photoshopped ..
  5. Levias

    Strange server hopper

    Maybe he wanted to find the M136 ... who knows?!
  6. Oh that would INCREASE server hopping by removing travelling times because you can teleport... there are really much better ideas.
  7. Levias

    Implement a leveling system

    Never implement a leveling system please... I can't see every fucking game anymore that includes a leveling system. It's good as it is.
  8. Levias

    Vilayer server pending.. still

    I've just ordered a server at Vilayer and now found this thread. I'm a little bit scared and hope Vilayer will handle my order asap... was at least my first choice. :-/
  9. Levias

    How to fight campers?

    Just know where hot spots are and check bushes first... too many fags sitting and waiting for nothing. So make sure you'll knock their ass up when you come from behind. Works great now after being traped sometimes.
  10. Look at the sky. Clouds always head to east. Now turn to east and 45° to the right and then straight. This might lead you out :)
  11. Sounds like the debug wilderness.. just head to south east but you'll have to run for about one hour.
  12. Levias

    This game is too easy

    so tell me where he guesses to leave? i also think that it is way too easy' date=' but it is still fun to find everything in an hour or less and then just to respawn :D [/quote'] It's in most cases the next step if he argues everything to be too easy.. I'm missing some comparison with another game he'd change to. I mean the game doesn't get harder the longer you play. And it is still alpha so I guess there is a lot more to come.. imo there is no reason to call 'this game' to be too easy though.
  13. Levias

    This game is too easy

    Then good luck finding your hardcore game... we won't miss you.
  14. Levias

    DayZ Danger Map

    Wouldn't say Green Mountain is just green... there are more ppl as you think.
  15. Levias

    This is why survivors get killed so much!

    Really disappointing. Just another poor random kill ...
  16. Levias

    battlebus slaughter

    As you already said, stupid fun. Nothing that has to be honoured.
  17. Levias

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Edit: Found out myself.