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Everything posted by Levias

  1. Levias

    Day Z is soon to be dead

  2. Levias

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Fixing KoS requires significant communication changes. KoS wasn't a big deal as the side chat / global chat was allowed.
  3. We're a squad of three and no one of us had any problems putting on the ghillie suits. (before they've been removed from the loot table)
  4. Levias

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    There are 2 entirely different games and ppl think just because they sound the same they will be the same and arguments like 'hurr durr I lost all my gear WarZ will be better QQ' are fucking stupid and yes, there are hackers atm and hell this shouldn't downrate the game itself. DayZ won't die, that's a fact and WarZ will be completely different. So everyone who is in MMO's can join the level, quest, skill system but I'll stay at the realistic hardcore open world sandbox game that has made a wonderful developement so far.
  5. Levias

    Average Life Expectancy

    At the beginning I was a noob.. so everyone was. Now I'm proud to celebrate my 14th day of survival. But I'm playing very carefully and only in groups of 2-4.
  6. Levias

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    At least there's something right you say. WarZ will become a kiddie CoD-like variety without any realistics... so, yeah. I think everything is said. C'mon... levels, skills, quests. Are you fucking kidding me?? Please go play this if you come from WoW. Seriously. DayZ is nothing for you. Level up at your WarZ.
  7. Levias

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    The fuck... how much ignorance in this post. Wait, let me conclude: DayZ - alpha. WarZ - nothing yet. DayZ - a lot to change. WarZ - a lot to copy.
  8. Levias

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Kill 25 Zombies. Reward: Food. Yeah that's a wtf moment.
  9. Levias

    Is Rocket Trolling Us?

    This. Trolls are getting trolled by a trap.
  10. Levias

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    They will be happy when they join easymode game WarZ. Then every butthurt troll can be a hero.
  11. Levias

    Poll: DayZ or The War Z?

    At this point it is very clear what game will be succeed... WarZ has to realize very early that it is a gorgeous fail and copy. Nothing else.
  12. Levias

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Yeah.. War Inc. looks like a fucking jump&run CoD without any realistics. Glad to be at the right game atm.
  13. Levias

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    I honestly think that OP hasn't even a little bit of a clue. Too lazy to destroy his arguments with the truth right now, but such threads are more like troll attempts that having success yes, but don't contain any valid argument.
  14. Unbelievable some people are so fucking unaware of the ArmA 2 and DayZ developement and complaining at the forums like they're here since day one.
  15. Can't confirm this. You must be one of a few who just see the negative aspects.
  16. Levias

    Possible new End-Game idea?

    Stop making it dependable on your gear.. you should travel to other areas at any time. I hate the idea about 'first do this and if you finished continue to the next part'. Open world at any time. That's the way DayZ will go for.
  17. Levias

    Cheaters (DE174)

    Noticed it too...
  18. Levias

    [VIDEO] We have been kidnapped

    Awesome! I like how they forced you to stick up with them and taught you some things.. that's a nice gameplay.
  19. Levias

    Definition of the word ENDGAME

    There can't be particular endgame because you don't reach any progress here. There aren't levels you could raise, no dungeons to defeat and no (not really) high end equip to feel like a superman. If there has to be endgame the game itself needs to follow a straight path in progress, goals and challenges. Though it'll never be there you can't await endgame and the most important so say I can't imagine super zombies to defeat. Seriously. If fortifying is engame for you then it'll be but imo endgame already begins at spawn. The game is that variable as a sandbox game.
  20. Levias

    Definition of the word ENDGAME

    This thread again.. banish the word engame please. Not a MMO you're playing here.
  21. Levias


    Fucking endgame discussion in an open world sandbox game... nothing to discuss here.
  22. Levias

    L85 back?

    L85 removed. Deal with it.
  23. Levias

    Day Z in a Nutshell

    Senseless post? @OP Great vid, had to laugh hard and it truly feels like this :)
  24. Levias

    jmd deutsches der spielt?

    This community raises by the amount of kids not able to write/speak english. @kani Diese Sprache wird dir in der Schule als Pflichtfach beigebracht. Entweder du bist fähig sie zu lernen und dich anzupassen oder du musst mit solchen Reaktionen rechnen nud sie aktzeptieren.