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About Polnadian

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    On the Coast
  1. Polnadian

    Safe Zone

  2. Polnadian

    Safe Zone

    Ah, so many of you dislike having any non-zombie A.I. I understand why, but I thought it would be a good idea so bandits can't just wait until everyone inside the safe area logs off to clear the place out. Anyways, instead of safe zones spawning in, how about giving players a way to build them? The current emplacements are enough to stop players from entering a building, but not much else, and toolboxes are common enough. Perhaps large walls can be built that require a large amount of wood. These walls would be 10+ feet tall and the only way to get rid of them would be fire (takes a while), explosives (instant, low risk), or smashing through them with a large vehicle (instant, pretty dangerous). Please, don't be afraid to post, I want to hear your thoughts on the matter!
  3. Polnadian

    Safe Zone

    Could you at least explain why?
  4. Polnadian

    Safe Zone

    Everything is up in the air, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this suggestion! - Safe zone is a town chosen at random on a server-to-server basis that is walled off and has no zombies spawning inside of it. - Staffed by heavily armed A.I. - A.I. can be killed and looted, along with the entire safe zone. - Players forced to holster their weapons. - Traders and a currency system (?) - Safe storage that only you can access. Resets on death. - Gates open automatically to freshly spawned players, while players with at least X zombies killed/murders must pay to enter with food, drinks, or ammo. Now, the purpose of this "safe" zone would be to have a hub where players can group up or plan their next move. It can also provide a good environment for trading, or perhaps an "end goal" for bandit groups.