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Emil (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Emil (DayZ)

  1. Started playing on this server some days ago. It is a very good server, despite not many players active at the moment. Join ! :)
  2. Emil (DayZ)

    What would you do?

    Hey guys, i'm pretty new to dayz, i've played it for about 1-2 weeks. But i think i have a pretty good grip on it so far. Well on to the topic: Today i saw 2 guys at a deer stand. They were looking my direction, but i didn't know if they had seen me. I hid behind a hay-bale, in an open field, looking into the forest where they were. I had some pretty good stuff on me, so i didn't want to die. I would have asked them if they were friendly, but i was kinda panicking a bit, because i thought they had seen me. So when one of the guys crawled up the ladder, i shot him, and killed him. Then i kinda felt that there were no going back, since the other guy would probably shoot on sight. So i flanked him and killed him too. I know this isn't the bandit forum, but i'm not looking out for being a bandit. I wanted to hear your guys opinion on what i should do in a situation like this (i was alone). Should i ask them if they were friendly, should i run or did i do the right thing? This might be a stupid question, but i would like to hear your opinion.
  3. Emil (DayZ)

    What would you do?

    Well don't really have a problem killing people, i just don't wanna do it, just to be a d*ck. I usually do it if they have good loot, i feel that i'm in danger or they shoot at me. I don't usually shoot people with bad equiptment either, unless they start shooting at me.
  4. Emil (DayZ)

    Bugged textures

    Well fhrope on youtube had an issue that looked kinda similair. You might wanna try to contact him or something.