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About GangreeL

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. GangreeL

    New DayZ group

    Application: IGN: -1st MEK- GangreeL Age: 26 Skype: PorniTouDasouS Microphone: Yes What do you do best?(ex. medic, sniper, guard): Can fullfil any role - expert at sniping
  2. 28-10-2021 Woke up at a barn inside Grishino. To many days without food i have to eat something. Cant find any wild animal will move up to NWA to try my luck. Saw movement at North Barracks and moved closer. Lonely survivor fighting with hordes,maybe he has some food.Nahh he is a bandit for sure he will never spare it with me.Have to silence him for good. Lost him without making a single shot, i will stalk for a bit and wait. Cant track him, shouldnt push my luck will move out of NWA. Spotted a Ghillie Suit geared survivor just 20m out of NWA i crawl down instant.He turns and watch at my potition,i m sure he saw me. Cant risk it.Opening fire.Two shots,he fall on his knees.Third shot to confirm the kill. Take a quick look around and movin in for the loot.NVGs - SVD cammo - Range Finder.This poor soul was a gold mine. Runned like the wind for the cover of the opposite tree line.Is this a car sound??? Black Van passing nearby.Omg he had friends.I open fire with no second thoughts. The Van stops.Seconds of silence and then hell.Bullets flying.My ears.Jessuz that was a grenade,seconds later another one. To risky to try silence them,have to make my way out of this mess,looking at my backpack.What a luck two smoke G. Throwing smoke G. at my potition.The smoke is thick and i hear bullet barrage,they surely cant see me and they random hitting thats my chance. I get up and run like hell.More gun fire sounds at my back dunno if they have spotted me.A rock line in front good cover i can make it. I crawl behind rocks and take a quick look.Nice cover good vision this will be my last stand,hope they go reckless and hunt me down carelessly. Have been almost 5min behind cover.Maybe they gave up on me.My heart beat is steady again.I crawl away and disapear in the woods. What a day. What a day at this server.
  3. GangreeL

    Looking for partner/team - Expert Server

    Would apreciate any server info. Add me Skype Name : PorniTouDasouS Steam Name: GangreeL
  4. Very good server with friendly admins.I recommend it to anyone who want to PvE/PvP.
  5. Very good server and friendly admins.I definitely suggest it,
  6. i have applied to your forum but for some reason your homepage doesnt load.Would aprecciate any info. yours GangreeL
  7. Κaλησπέρa Στέφaνε. Η 1st MEK είχε πάει inactive γιa κάποιο κaιρό λόγο IRL προbλημάτων γιa aυτό aργησaμε νa aπaντήσουμε στο Post σου.Σε ευχaριστούμε γιa το χρόνο που aφιέρωσες μιλάμε in game. HF n GL.
  8. GangreeL

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Medic squad under training online ready to assist survivors. Steam name: Gangreelz Skype name: PorniTouDasouS
  9. GangreeL

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Medic squad under training operating at area around stary ready to assist survivors. Steam name: Gangreelz Skype name: PorniTouDasouS
  10. GangreeL

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thanks to TMW for saving me near Prud like.
  11. GangreeL

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Situation : Need blood transfusion Members in grp: Solo Location: Prud lake cords 065060 In game name: =1st MEK= GangrieL Steam name: GangreeLz I m chilling at TMW TS server.Contact me there.
  12. They stole the van i stole n shoot in the leg.
  13. GangreeL

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thank you for your response but i only accept assistance from "white listed" medics.Wish you the best on your quest.
  14. GangreeL

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Situation: NeeD morphine (broken leg), Blood transfusion (4k blood) and food (Dying from starvation). Location: Under balota hiding inside the dock's blue werehouse near the shore (Cords: 044 131 ) Members in grp: Solo survivor Gear: Every gadget in the game / M9 with no ammo / Guille suit Extra info: The server i was playing got hacked.Everyone was teleported at sea and got excecuted by the hacker.Propably i was the only ALT - F4 survivor.All weapons were deleted by the hacker during teleportation.Suffered serious injuries and broken leg.Need medical assistance plus some food supplies so i can travel at my camp and re-arm my self. Skype name : PorniTouDasouS Steam name: Gangreelz In Game name: -1st MEK- GangreeL Ty in advance.
  15. GangreeL

    Seeking the 1km kill

    Keep trying 2 manage zeroing Bro.ooo Forgot u dnt even have a simple Cz....