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About nathan017

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Happened on US 1381 @ 15:35 Player named "Wrekshop" teleported infront of me and my friend, shot my friend and i was teleported off the map somewhere with no gear. I had my gear back when i joined another server but my friend had been killed
  2. nathan017

    Zombies way too hard now

    The amount of hits to be knocked out/ start bleeding need to be increased. i shouldn't have to bandage every time a zombie touches me. Watch 5:30 of this video for a good example
  3. nathan017

    Zombies way too hard now

    Agreed. One hit knocked me out and broke a bone while 2+ zombies mauled my face. Luckily I was playing with a friend to save my ass
  4. Me and my friend had been playing on FR62 for a few hours when we ran into a jeep. a guy got out and had said nothing, so we decided to shoot him before he shot us. he had coyote pack GPS M4SD etc etc. both of us then got warped to a beach where we where both shot by who we later learned was one of the admins. Happened at 8:30PM GMT