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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast

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    United Kingdom
  1. Why would you want Vista? It's a pile of poop. I run Windows 7 on a bootcamped early 2011 Macbook Pro and it works just fine.
  2. Server: UK41 Time: Around 02:30-03:00, GMT+1 (Daylight Savings in the UK) Discover a crashed heli, five of us move to it. We clear out the zombies that are spawning (in huge numbers) around the heli with silenced weapons and two of us move in towards it. We both suddenly take fire from extremely close range and are killed. The remaining three guys are whittled down by people who seem to be firing very close but completely unseen. As this is happening, the two that were originally killed are running back towards the action, one of whom manages to find a gun on the way back. He arrives at the chopper to see two players prone around the fuselage. He fires on them and they beginning spamming the team channel - Blue on Blue, Cease Fire etc. - but his shots are successful and he kills them both. He gets no murder or kill notifications for this, and there's no server message to indicate that anyone was killed either. The bodies remain in place however. It becomes apparent that they haven't bothered to loot any of the bodies of the group that they had killed, and that both of them have no equipment at all (not even default gear for a starter player) and both are carrying G36Cs (I think the actual gun was the G36C Camo) with full ammo. Entirely possible they were using teleports to get around us in the initial fight, but of course the guns are complete hacks anyway.
  3. Just to add my two cents; I've played twice in the last couple of days and both times within minutes there were hackers using exploits on the server. In the first instance the server got thunderdomed, in the second hackers were teleporting around the map instakilling players. On both occasions I was able to log without getting unlucky enough to be killed by one of these players, but some indication that action is being taken would be helpful.
  4. Yesterday or the day before (I forget which), UK41 got "thunderdomed" with a link to the hacker site and the usual message. I logged out as soon as it happened. Then today, whilst in a VOIP session with my group, I heard someone say 'hackers on the server; two guys just drove up to me wearing what looked like american football gear" - again, logged off as soon as that happened and heard through VOIP various people getting killed throughout the server (am assuming the hacker was using a teleport exploit). Server: UK41 Local time: Around 1:20/1:30 AM Time Zone: UK GMT/Daylight Savings No further information I'm afraid.
  5. A couple of them were alt-tabbed when you started shooting, I think.