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Posts posted by DayZHunter

  1. No you're not right... You've waited 10 minutes and you're having a seizure over it... Calm down and realize it IS an Alpha-stage mod and will have problems like this frequently... It won't be off forever so just wait...

    had the game 3days and have had non stop problems

    Awwww poor you. Maybe your mom will let you have pizza for dinner and that will cheer you up.

    Well was real funny' date=' Got a bunch of laughs from that one kid.


    It isn't finished yet... The reality of it is, this mod will have problems for a long time... You have to credit the developers because they're not Gods, they're still human and can't do EVERYTHING right... It is frustrating because you just want to play but just relax!

  2. Phienyx, I agree. In a real zombie apocalypse would everyone just turn against each other? The enemy lingers in the cities and we should team up to face them not fight within our own ranks! Although having said all this, I do believe it's better to just find a community to play with or get help from. Earlier I did some research on the forum and found a list of dedicated medics, added one on Steam, asked for help and sure as hell I received it! He came to me in the dead of night and actually gave me some medsupplies and off he went... That's the kind of community DayZ should have! I suppose it does make it pretty intense though when you're bricking it thinking someone could take your head off with a sniper at any moment so it does keep you vigilant!

  3. I will always try and give the player a chance... For example, today I was roaming the factory outside cherno and a player was there so I got into a position where I would have the upperhand if he'd shoot and I used Direct Comms to ask him if he's hostile... He didn't reply but he dropped his makarov! So I looted what I needed from the area and left him... I have been helped out by a strong player before and that's the only time in like a hundred other times which I've been killed!

  4. Hi, I was wondering how often do you actually come across a friendly player that will actually help you? Currently I'm fainting all the time due to low blood and there's no way I can go into a city to ask players to give me a hand or I'll just get looted for my stuff. Seriously, I don't think people know how to live and let live haha... What are your thoughts on this?
