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Everything posted by DayZHunter

  1. Hi, I have been trying to get the best performance with the best quality out of my rig... I wanted to know if there's any improvements I can make to get some extra FPS out of my rig. Computer Specs - Processor: AMD FX 4100 Quad Core Graphics Card: HiS 5770HD RAM: 8GB HDD: 1TB Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-M68MT-S2 OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit Current Video Options - Visibility: 2400 Interface: 1920x1080x32 3D Resolution: 1920x1080 Texture Detail: High Video Memory: Very High Anisotropic FIltering: High Antialiasing: High Terrain Detail: High Object Detail: High Shadow Detail: High HDR Quality: High Post Processing Effects: Low Vsync: Disabled Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Benchmark: 24FPS Is there any way I can squeeze a few more FPS out of this? Thanks!
  2. Thanks! I've increased my Arma 2: OA Benchmark from 24 to 28 FPS and my Arma 2: Benchmark 01 from 17FPS to 32FPS!
  3. Steam... Right-Click on Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead in my Steam library and then click Launch Arma 2: Combined Operations?
  4. I know the Bizon is rare, but so is the ammo for it which renders it more of a hinderance than a good thing... I have no ammo for the Bizon either so Bizon or AKS-74 Kobra?
  5. DayZHunter

    Bizon PP-19 SD or AKS-74 Kobra

    That's what I'll do! I've been debating whether or not to just let go of the Bizon because I have no ammo anyway so it's pretty much weighing me down... Thanks guys! :P
  6. Has anyone found one in game after the latest patch? I haven't and I've been led to think they're no longer in DayZ because dayzdb.com/map also doesn't include Ghillie Suits or Camos in any of the residential/military buildings!
  7. I was wondering, does the DayZ mod conflict with the other base games or DLCs? I do have PMC and tried launching the campaign tonight, got through the cutscenes but then I was just looking down on a village being blown up then nothing and couldn't move etc... Also whenever I go in a game online on Operation Arrowhead, I seem to be a CROW?! Any known conflicts?
  8. DayZHunter

    Newb questions

    1. SW of devil's castle? do you mean North because the border of the map is north and you have reference to the border in number 2? :P I don't go there because there's no loot, no loot usually means no players or zombies :P 2. the best camping spot in a PVP area is probably north east hill overlooking elektro 3. No group spawning system other than spawn and see where you are (tells you as you're spawning that you're in Chernarus (the map) and at which location e.g. Elektro. 4. Don't avoid Cherno or Elektro straight away... You've got nothing to lose when you spawn in for the first time so head into the big cities and gear up, then head north to Stary Sobor and check the military tents and then both barracks at the NW Airfield.
  9. DayZHunter

    Ghillie Suits and Camo Clothing

    Quassie did you find one in a residential building? I think they're fixed now Olli. as the changelog did mention ghillie suits!
  10. DayZHunter


    Sometimes I'll be trying to find a decent server with third-person + daytime and until I find one I'll disconnect and connect to others until I find one but sometimes I get killed as I'm connecting by Friendly Fire and then I'll get spawned in Wilderness and then I disconnect and spawn in again on the shore with all my gear... Wtf?
  11. DayZHunter

    I still cannot play :(

    FR16 server worked for me and also try copying the arma2oa.exe from the expansion/beta folder in the directory into the main directory, overwriting the existing .exe for arma 2 operation arrowhead! Worked for me ;)
  12. Oh right haha! Do you not use SixUpdater? :P
  13. computer>program files>steam>steamapps>common>arma2operationarrowhead
  14. Pie Flavor... I'm running build 94759 or above... I think everyone else with the problem is too or they wouldn't be able to get into a game?
  15. It seems to be a problem with the new update they rolled out... Probably something to do with the server files because it seems like everything's fine on my end!
  16. I'm having the exact same problem... I couldn't get passed "Waiting for host" at first but then I got into a server only to find my screen "blinking" so I don't know what the hell I'm doing... All my files are up to date and everything, launch through Six Launcher. NEED HELP! Tried two servers, same thing...
  17. DayZHunter

    Quick question

    Oh I see, as in to get the proper textures from the private armies on Arma? :P Never knew you could actually do that!
  18. DayZHunter

    Found some camo clothing

    I've had corrupt data recently.. PM'd Vipeax about it and he said a server sent bad data packages to my character and corrupted data and he just fixed it :P
  19. Is he like bent over towards the left? It might be that you've double-tapped Q by mistake?
  20. DayZHunter

    Found some camo clothing

    Well one day your characters life would come to an unexpected end so it doesn't matter if gear's lost or not! Just sets you on another adventure ;)
  21. DayZHunter

    Quick question

    Hi mate, i don't know about moving files but you don't need BAF and PMC to play DayZ! I think you just need A2, A2:OA, A2 Beta and then the mod itself!
  22. DayZHunter

    Found some camo clothing

    I had this earlier Olli... The devs are aware of the problem and for the time being you're just going to have to refrain from equipping any camos/ghillies! Is it possible to just keep them in the inventory until the fix is out and then equip them or will that set of ghillie/camo still be bugged?
  23. DayZHunter

    Camo Clothing

    So, after searching for a while for a camo or ghillie suit I eventually find some camo in a residential home near Elektro... Fantastic! Although it's not all that fine and dandy, apparently camo clothing makes you swim inside the building and lose all your hard earned gear... Anyone else witnessed this?
  24. DayZHunter

    Wilderness Spawn

    I keep spawning into the Wilderness... I've ensured that all of my files are updated (through SixUpdater) and my Battleye is updated and everything is installed correctly yet still I'm always spawning into the wilderness... I've tried Respawning and still, the Wilderness. Any help? Thanks