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About Baltimore

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  1. Coyote Patrol is 8 slots, Rifles are 10 slots.....
  2. Kill someone else for it or earn it the majority of people do. Or tell me which servers you hop on and I'll gladly come and kill you so you stop doing it. This isn't meant to be the sort of game where you get everything you want instantly or in a short time frame, it's about more then just having the BEST gear. Learn to play the game as it's intended and don't be a gear-rush-bandit-nub.
  3. Baltimore

    Scaring People - PART 3!!

    I prefer the ones with random sounds but this is still hilarious haha keep up the good work :)
  4. Personally I find it hilarious people pose as fake CQF members just to try and get a kill. Oh the intelligence..
  5. Baltimore


    The zombie apocalypse is set in the real world and there are snipers in the real world.. just deal with it. Why would they be taken out? Play the game.
  6. Baltimore

    US|228|229|230|231 Community Thread & Reports

    No apologies needed really! We know you're doing all you can and it's not in your hands. You host great severs so just like to say thanks! Keep up the good work :)
  7. Baltimore

    US|228|229|230|231 Community Thread & Reports

    Haha the pain Indeed! I've got so much stuff to put in my squads camp but can't ahhhh the frustration
  8. Baltimore

    US|228|229|230|231 Community Thread & Reports

    Any ETA on when the Dev team will whitelist your new box..?
  9. Baltimore

    Hacker with G36C SD (camo)

    Not gonna lie though, it looks pretty awesome..
  10. Baltimore

    Hacker with G36C SD (camo)

    You should probably drop that gun somewhere in the wilderness just in case..
  11. Baltimore

    L85A2 AWS

    As of yet nothing has been removed, just temporary glitches. Also this is a free mod, so no you're not a paying customer ;)
  12. Baltimore

    L85A2 AWS

    Overpowered or not, I don't think it should be removed if that's going to be the final decision. There will always be something in any-game that is more powerful or tactically better then other piece of gear or weaponry, every game has an overpowered item that only some people have, you're never going to be the best person with the best gear etc.. unless you are then you're very lucky or whatever. I think if anything should be changed, just make it even more rare, like super super rare.. everyone dies or loses their stuff eventually whether it be by a player or bug so. Obviously the item duping would still be a problem but that is a problem that would need to be addressed asap as well. I just don't get all these people whining and crying about how overpowered it is, they need to be remember that not every game is "balanced" for everyone.. nothing is meant to be 100% fair and equal. Quit whining about a gun that's better then your pee-shooter and just play the game.
  13. Baltimore

    Beta patch 94876 not working

    Oh okay thanks I'll just stay clear of it and stick to 94700 for now then.
  14. As the title states I can't get the damn patch to work. Maybe I am being stupid? I don't know. I have done everything that it says in the readme file and I still can't figure out what's going wrong.. every time I try to install the patch it gives me the "Wrong CD key" error bullcrap. I have the steam version of the game and usually start it via Six Launcher or Updater. When I launch the "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch" to apply the patch like it says in the readme, I get the version 94876 so it seems like it's worked, but obviously you can't join any servers that way as it gives you all of the "you can't edit/delete this mission" yadayada. So I go back to Six Launcher and start it all up and it says im still running 94700? So I'm a little confused, any help would be appreciated as the servers I play on with my friends are all on 94876 now. I'm probably just being dim but yeah, anyone know what I'm doing wrong?