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About SubSeven

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Didnt mean to offend you by any means. We are arguing the same point here. I fully understand you concerns and im having nearly the exact same thoughts.
  2. True but you missed the point entirely. Without the people paying for the servers how much of an big scale alpha would there be?
  3. Ok ill do that. I'll send you a ticket for every disconnecter i encounter. That would be around ~6-10 reports per Day only from me. I hope you can deal with them all in a day or two. If not whats the point in submitting then? On a Sidenote: If every Admin would start banning exploiters, they'd have to blacklist the majority of the Servers. I'd like to see how they test the alpha without them. But that won't happen most admin's dont dare to stand up for a change. They are either afraid, dont care or are exploiting themselves.
  4. First of all thanks for the Statement. @2nd Answer You cant be serious or you miss the Point here. It is not about Players joining the Server. Its about players leaving it or hopping into the Lobby as soon as they get shot at. Or even worse, leaving the server entirely logging in on a different server to move to another position just to hop in behind you. If we cant get a proper solution to that matter even if its just temporary then theres no point playing this mod atm. Sooner or later everyone will just Serverhop to prevent their deaths. Atm im feeling like 70-80% of all Players i encounter are already leaving the Server after the First shot. This is a really serious Isssue that needs some kind of solution asap.
  5. SubSeven

    serverhopped to kill me

    Support this thread and spread the link. At the Moment no Admin is banning such ppl because they are afraid to get blacklisted. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32223-staff-need-clarification-on-ban-able-offenses/
  6. Id like to see those questions answered too.
  7. SubSeven

    Teleporting LU20

    I am not the Admin of the Server but i know him pretty well. This was an Issue with major desyncing since it happened to all of us. It was not a cheat by any means, just a major lag/desync whatever you like to call it. Regards.
  8. SubSeven

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    Hello there. I'd like to have an officiall Answer on a certain Problem. Since rocket considered disconnecting to avoid death an exploit are server Owners allowed to ban such people from their Servers or do we just have to deal with that behavior?
  9. SubSeven

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    New wave of spawn camping. Now there will be chance of hi-gear player spawning (new at server) True.To smaller the risk the spawns should be completly random. Just spare out the Towns +500m surrounding as spawnlocations. Add one Soda and one Can of Beans at spawn in case the player spawns really far out in the wilderness.
  10. SubSeven

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Good suggestion' date=' but a flawed idea. People would use this to detect if there are people close to them. I think the only simple way to implement a deterrent is to have a really long egg timer appear before being able to disconnect. Leaving yourself exposed to being shot and unable to react. [/quote'] Add Server based Position Saving and it should be pretty perfect.
  11. SubSeven

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Yeah i imagine all those people running with 20 infected behind them into a Building thinking they are safe. Im laughing already.
  12. SubSeven

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Regarding the bear traps. Will they Damage Vehicles? If yes how much, broken wheel? If a bycicle runs through it how much damage it will do to the "driver"? Hope you considered all of this stuff rocket.