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Everything posted by skoomer

  1. Hey folks, I want to show you a rMod Server, which I want to support because it has a lot of potential. Here you`ll find the Trailer I made for this Server: Features: 1. +400 Vehicles 2. Custom Bases 3. Custom Building 4. More Weapons 5. Own Scripts 5.1 Lift Script 5.2 Base Shield Script (be safe in your custom base) 6. Active Admins Future Features: Trading Post (maybe with Vehicles, too.) If you want to play on this server, read this: The Server IP: Teamspeak 3 IP: LSS.nitrado.net:12650 TS IP - if nobody is online: !!!ATTENTION!!! You must have version to play on this server! You need the password for the server first. Please visit our Teamspeak server and ask one of the Admins for it or write me a PM on this forum. Dowload rMod: http://www.tunngle.n...te-coming-soon/ The server has mainly german members but everybody is welcome! I hope to see you on the server and sorry for my grammar. ___________________________________________________________ Same text in german: Hey Leute, hier stelle ich euch einen rMod Server vor, welchen ich sehr gerne supporten möchte, da dieser viel Potential hat. Aber bevor ich euch mit Worten langweile, findet ihr oben den Trailer den ich erstellt habe. Features: 1. +400 Vehicles 2. Custom Bases 3. Custom Building 4. More Weapons 5. Own Scripts (teilweise selbst geschriebene Scripts) 5.1 Lift Script 5.2 Base Shield Script (Endlich sicher in Basen sein) 6. Active Admins Server IP: Teamspeak 3 IP: LSS.nitrado.net:12650 Wenn niemand online ist: !!!ACHTUNG!!! Ihr benötigt die Version !!! Ihr braucht das Passwort für den Server um darauf spielen zu können. Dazu kommt bitte auf den TS Server und fragt die Admins oder die User danach. Die TS IP steht oben.
  2. We`re also working on an own Trading Post - script. Its ready soon.
  3. Hey guys, So last week we recorded a new season of a video-series I am making on my channel. "Das Helikopter Tagebuch" (The helicopter diary). We had a Huey on a rMod server. We flew through chernarus when suddenly an attack helicopter (which we met 1 hour ago. He attacked us but we could escape) was flying towards us. I was flying, my buddy was on the gun. Was a lot of fun. Unfortunately we speak german in this video so most of you wont understand but it doesnt matter. The scene is from the beginning to 4:10min This is what happend: And this is the trailer I made for the series. (if somebody cares) Best regards from germany
  4. skoomer

    Helicopter fight / hunt with rMod

    Like I said it was with rMod. In rMod nearly all vehicles from Arma II and operation arrowhead are enabled. Its really nice but just for private servers. You can download it from here: http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/87391-rmod-for-private-servers/
  5. Hey, I read a lot about weird stuff is going on at green mountain (see the urban legend thread) so im searching for one or more partner/s to go up there at night and maybe experience something scary. Just to make a litte adventure and have some fun. Some things about me: Im a 20 year old guy from germany (so my english isnt the best but I think the communication wouldnt be a problem). I also would like to record any trip we make to green mountain so that if we undergo something scary, I would have it on video. I also have a youtube channel where I would upload it. The only thing you should bring with you: A bearable headset/microphone and motivation. It also would be great if we would have a smililar time zone (otherwise its hard to find a matching time to play.) My time zone is gmt +1 We can communicate about teamspeak or ingame voice. (I think ingame voice would make it more scary cause when somebody die, theres no way to contact him soon :D) So contact me via PM or reply to this thread. Regards
  6. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    If somebody want to team up and go to green mountain: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/108311-looking-for-partners-to-go-up-to-green-mountain-at-night/
  7. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I read every single page now and holy crap I love it. We should totaly group up and check That Mountain out. With 4 people or so. Does anybody finds time in the next few hours?
  8. skoomer

    Vehicles Question!

    I dont know if this problem occur on every server but I guess so. Had this so many times on so much different servers. Better dont trust vehicles in this version. I hope they will fix it in 1.7.3 cause that a terrible bug
  9. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Here is the video It begins at 1:40 First contact at 4:39 Second contact at 6:23
  10. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I was on Green Mountain while nighttime with 2 friends tonight. First there was nothing special but than I noticed a guy with a ghilie suit on the the other side of the road. I told my friends they shall lay down and I shot a few times on the guy with the ghilie. He ran away. I think he logged off. A few minutes later the guy was running towards us with an axe, trying to hit us. I ran after him but than he was gone. I think he logged of again. I think it was just a player but anyway, there were only 5 people or so on this server so it was weird. We wanted to make a Video about green mountain on nighttime to proof some urban legend and luckily this happens. So I caught this on tape but we speak german so most of you wont understand what we say. Anyway, if somebody want to see this I can link the video tomorrow.
  11. skoomer

    Camo Clothing Quality Bug

    Yeah you need BAF for the high res camo clothing. PMC just adds the high quality survivor clothing
  12. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Ive had a normal ping and no red "chain" so I dont think so. It was just like somebody was behind me, throwing a red flare over my head
  13. skoomer

    DayZ Memes

    Here, made this for 9gag but with no huge success http://9gag.com/gag/4810565
  14. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Okay, folks that was creepy... Just logged into the game and as I said yesterday I logged off on the deerstand on the south edge of Green Mountain. It was a nighttime server. So i logged in and heard a few zombies. I turned on my nightvision and saw something scary. I nearly shat bricks... When I looked to the north there was a Zombie, doing nothing, just standing there looking at me. I shot a Screenshot: Than I turned around and saw another 2 zombies which were just standing there and made creepy noises. I can assure that they weren't walking. Just standing there. Ive taken a screenshot from this situation, too and logged of instantly
  15. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Okay just write me a PM or post something in this thread if you're ready to go
  16. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    In 8 hours its 11 a.m. where I life :D Would it be still okay for you if we meet in 12 hours or is this too late for you?
  17. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Im at the south edge of green Mountain near by the Deerstand now. Do you found a good server?
  18. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    You mean this night at 3am? "Forum time"? And which server?
  19. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Yesterday I sat with some friends around a campfire. The atmosphere is great. But we had a "bug" or something else. We sat around the fire and we all heard a noise as if somebody lays down all the time. Here's a screenshot
  20. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Would be great. Only problem are the different time zones. What time is it in your country?
  21. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Tell me when and I'll go with you
  22. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    So somebody want to check out the Bus Station, Green Mountain or other scary places on a night time server with me? I really want to do this but I definitely dont want to do this alone. I would shit bricks if something scary happens while Im alone in the dark :D We can meet in teamspeak. My english isn't perfect but I think its good enough to communicate without problems.
  23. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    ... totaly pry. Wouldn't it be great to catch it on Video and post it here?
  24. skoomer

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I think its luck. We need time to proof this, i dont think that something happens at the first time but maybe we've luck. There are many storys we can try to proof and it can be fun, too.