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Everything posted by epitek

  1. Admins for DE 998 logged in today and noticed 37/40 people on their new server. They then proceeded to kick everyone and lock the server repeatedly. The video I provided is proof enough however, when I join their teamspeak they openly admit the abuse. Thank you for your time ! Edit by Mysticales - (Adding youtube video per epitek's request) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NxRyRJm4us&feature=plcp
  2. We are now running on a Vilayer.com private hive 24/7 DayZ Lingor - Gotcha Anti-Cheat enabled - Come enjoy a nice script free enviorment Sidechat: Enabled (90% txt - 10% voice) Server restarts: 3:00am 8:00am 1:00pm 6:00pm 12:00am EST/EDT US
  3. epitek

    Trading Overwatch

    Public hive ?
  4. I stopped watching after the first two shots..... edit: Good luck :|
  5. epitek

    Puppet hacker on US1895

    This game is an absolute disgrace :\
  6. epitek

    Puppet hacker on US1895

    Thank you for reporting this he'll be banned. This cheater is commonly mistaken for Jake "The Snake" Roberts...
  7. Grid coords are in the log files.....
  8. epitek

    A man must have a code

    Mine would be: If more than 4 people die within 5 seconds it's time to disconnect because someone is slaying people by pressing a key.
  9. epitek

    Found 2 dead hackers

    I found a dead player with a Winchester 1866 and a Makarov in Elektro, I believe he was hacking.
  10. I'm one of the admins on US1895, I'd be willing to offer you a place in our hacker free castle. We have all things that are good there including beans. Take time to discuss this offer with your teammates(female skins only) and lets populate Chernarus together.
  11. Please remove it ! This should have been directed at server admins only....
  12. epitek

    Script restriction #41

  13. epitek

    M16A2 or M4A3 CCO?

    M4A3 CCO hands down, holo sight and flashlight are a huge advantage.
  14. epitek

    Hacker stream

    US 850 already have them banned on my server. Edit: he has a long run ahead of him.
  15. epitek

    Heroes, Bandits, Murderers

    My dog better get a choke collar or some skull looking bandana after his 5th murder or so.
  16. frien... edit: I ran into a guy today who just responded by violently shaking his mouse up and down or left to right when asked a question.
  17. epitek

    US 2761 Admin Ban

    I'd say they owe you a fudgesicle.
  18. epitek

    Zombie Boss

    zombie dogs.
  19. epitek

    LU6 Shutting down permanently on august 17th.

    OP I'm sorry to hear you're taking the server down however, there are private hives offered by Vilayer which would solve almost all of the concerns you posted aside from glitches. You must keep in mind that you are bashing a successful company for your experience in an Alpha stage game. Their response time and 24/7 support has in fact been under 4 hours, they don't have a dispatch team as they aren't a life line. This mod has brought an influx of customers and problems their way, please don't say your server provider is the reason you took down your server. The reasoning could very well have stemmed from a lack of support however, let's be honest... you're upset because you chose dayzdev rules over your own. Break the rules not the laws...
  20. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834230216 http://www.amazon.com/Acer-AS5560G-Sb468-Notebook-Processor-SuperMulti/dp/B005ZELZLE http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834246322&nm_mc=OTC-FroogleNEW&cm_mmc=OTC-FroogleNEW-_-Notebooks-_-Lenovo-_-34246322
  21. epitek

    Hacker on US 2556

    You're ignorant and it's only going to get worse.
  22. epitek

    Survivor Colony!

    114 078 The factory inbetween Polana and Orlavetz US 2913
  23. Recently a friend and I decided to purchase a DayZ server after receiving news that our 10MB Fiber wasn't enough to host our own. We took about 2 weeks to research all potential ARMA II server providers and we compared and contrasted all the pros/cons. After sifting through forums, testimonials and speaking with server admins of each potential provider we were looking at, we decided to go with Vilayer.com. Immediately after purchasing a server, it was apparent we made the right choice. On checkout the invoice was immediately received and easy to read (even hopped on their TS3 and was assisted by 3 employees with FAQs I had regarding billing). I wrote this post to point out a few things I've noticed in the 2 weeks we've had Vilayer as our provider: -The access to the server you're paying for is unparalleled and comforting. -The ease of use in their application control panel makes you feel like a boss.(Updating, maintenance, and log viewing MADE EASY) -Emily Post must run their customer service department, everything is handled in a plausible, applicable, and professional manner. -Most importantly... you get what you pay for ! They are the Intel Corporation of dedicated servers. Please note: this game is infested with exploits, cheats, and bugs. This is a problem for tattleye/devteam to address and not your server provider. We've had an awful experience with DayZ however, we have faith(very little) these problems will be addressed and we'll be happy to have Vilayer as our provider if and when the crap is solved. Amen