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ArkaN (DayZ)

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Posts posted by ArkaN (DayZ)

  1. Except it has nearly double the sound, you'll draw more zombies than it's worth in my experience, the lighter weapons, AKS-74 or M4s are way better at zombie duty than the AKM.

    You´re actually right with the sound, totally forgot it. Still, i would rather have some more firepower despite drawing more attention, mostly because you´ll dispatch players and zombies easily. It´s pretty much up to your playstyle.

  2. Yesterday me and my group started repairing an old hatchback that spawns near Lopatino (the car was a wreck, probably had just spawned) and despite being almost done, just missing two wheels, we decided to take a break. We logged in today, got the missing parts and made our way back to the car. As we were about 50 meters away from it (i could see the car, it was still there), everyone in the server, except 3 players, were kicked and the server password locked. The kicking and lock lasted the whole afternoon. A couple of hours later the password was off, but as i joined, i misteriously spawned off map with no equips at all (wonderful coincidence). I still respawned and made my way to Lopatino, but the car was gone, there was just some gear we had left in the trunk laying around, clearly indicating it was stolen.

    TD, DR version, vehicle hoarding is not cool.

    I know i will not have my car and the equipment that was there back, just want to warn other people not to make pointless efforts just to have an admin ruining them.


  3. Maybe try to play the game more and use BOTH weapons to not ask stupid questions ?

    Considering your sig, i find it funny that in every single one of your posts you criticize people for their "stupid questions", like new players don´t have the right to ask questions.

    As for the OP´s question, go for the Einfield. It is superior in pretty much every single aspect.
