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Andarne (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Andarne (DayZ)

  1. Not to mention quite possibly painful and embarrassing. I mean...performing the act with a loaded double-bareled shotgun, or a Winchester?
  2. Andarne (DayZ)

    Two weapons from a barn with no ammo

    Touché... @OP - I'd just start looking around, or just wait for another loot spawn.
  3. Andarne (DayZ)

    Two weapons from a barn with no ammo

    I've come across several without ammo, so it's a distinct possibility that they don't always spawn with it. You "heard", even though you started the topic about it on the forums, eh?
  4. Andarne (DayZ)

    Goats Eat EVERYTHING

    Not always so; I've seen many videos of this on Youtube, and yet all the inventories are usually wiped come the 'transformation'. Troll? Lol
  5. Andarne (DayZ)

    Stary Sobor dead?

    Speaking of, and I do hate to go off-topic like this, but I've yet to encounter a single bear-trap. Any ideas? Or are all the campers (see above) grabbing them all before I do?
  6. Andarne (DayZ)

    Stary Sobor dead?

    Agree'd - more than once I've managed to, on an empty server, get into Stary Sobor, then somebody logs on and I become instantly paranoid; logging off, and leaving my character in the worst place in-game. Not too long ago, four clanmembers joined a server that me and two friends were playing on (coincidentally, I and one of the two were at Stary Sobor's camp, and he was watching my back via the woods), and he got killed instantly. It's annoying, at best, but does bring fears to the top.
  7. Andarne (DayZ)

    We need things added that relate to roleplay, not killing.

    Even if it doesn't make standalone, it'll probably be ported to Arma 3 anyway. All in all, I'm looking forward to it. @OP - trouble with fortifications is that, given enough time (perhaps a simple logout), you could go through a number of hard-to-gather resources for little to no use at all. Let me pose a scenario; you gather materials or simply a 'Wooden Barricade' and barricade yourself into a house. You logoff for the night. Given the amount of traffic that the server you're on has, and the popularity of the location, it would be likely that a barricade wouldn't last long at all in the presence of players who are curious, or simply have a destructive streak.
  8. Andarne (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Will gear be affected by this in any way?
  9. Andarne's Adventures: Arma 2, DayZ Mod! This topic is to show off the upcoming series, Andarne's Adventures: Arma 2, DayZ Mod, as well as gather creative criticism and responses that can't be fully fleshed out on Youtube. I welcome all positive feedback, and will update this thread (should it remain open) when new videos are added to this series. First Episode - Thirst For Adventure http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZLrxZci71A This episode was a pilot test to see if Arma 2: DayZ was a suitable thing to be recorded, so expect me to blabble on in it. Second Episode - Oh Bloody Hell... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsMScdkAHFc In this episode, I have managed to somehow end up at PvP central, Electro! With a blown up bus, and a horde of Zombies at my tail...
  10. Andarne (DayZ)

    [Video] Andarne's Adventures: Arma 2, DayZ Mod!

    Third Episode - Rollin' Wheels http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sr7j5mK77o In this episode, I escape from Electro and into the wilderness with help from my new mechanical friend! Fourth Episode - Soaring Beyond PENDING After logging in from last time, I find that other players have been around, and destroyed my vehicle. Luckily, they left one of their own...
  11. Andarne (DayZ)

    Lol the geared chicken syndrome

    Ditto. I recently got shot after spawning in, and was quite angry due to the fact that I had an M4A1 CCO, GPS, etc, etc. However, I've managed to recover some of the stuff from various places. Playing it extra cautious now.
  12. I agree, it would be an amazing contribution to the game; what I'm wondering is "How would it affect servers?" Would, let's say for conversation's sake, forty custom messages affect server performance at all?
  13. Andarne (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    I've a tale or two to tell, but for now - one will be told. My friend DigiBoxi and I, as well as three other friends, were scouting the entire map out - Digi was new to DayZ, and we were half expecting him to die with the hatchet that he so dearly loved as a "formidable weapon". My, my, how we were completely wrong; for within the next half hour, Digi had killed over twenty zombies without shedding blood. We were quite amazed, and decided to look around a nearby High-value barn for supplies for the road ahead. After around 15 minutes of waiting for one of our group to return to the game after a short AFK period, we heard gunshots in close proximity. This prompted us all to run to the top of the barn as quick as we could; Digi may be new to the game, but we were only a few weeks ahead of him in that regard. Needless to say, we were all 'safely' huddled at the top of the barn, save for Digi, who stood at the bottom, behind some crates. What happened next, I don't think I'll ever see again - two people, armed to the teeth with a shotgun and AK-74, run into the barn and search the lower level. Digi sprints out from his hiding place, and dispatches one of them while yelling over Skype in his lovable Finnish accent, The AK-74 fellow merely shoots wildly around the room, injuring me and another in the process. Digi dodges it all, and takes him out with one fell swoop to the head, and all is over.
  14. Andarne (DayZ)

    Green mountain...

    Been there, and I completely regret it - I plucked up enough courage to get to the top of the tower, 'till a growl came from the ladders. Looking down, I saw a Walker climbing the ladder at a tremendous speed - but my trusty shotgun ended him quickly. Needless to say, that experience alone, coupled with the conversations I've heard of the place, I've never went back.
  15. Andarne (DayZ)


    I agree, WeedMan - I was born in Glasgow and lived here ever since, but I hope things like this OP don't discourage many from our country, or it's people. Heck, my current group is a mix of Welsh & English, with me being the only Scot - though we've also got a Finnish friend on board. We also have a Mookie, but as of yet nobody know's where he's from, or to be more precise, what, he is... @OP - good luck with the recruiting! Maybe we'll bump into each other, on a server, someday.