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Andarne (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Andarne (DayZ)

  1. Andarne (DayZ)

    Question about FPS and Performance? Sorry =(

    Can you grab me his config settings? I'm running an AMD/AMD CPU/GPU setup - Radeon HD7850 2GB, so shouldn't be a problem...but it is.
  2. Andarne (DayZ)

    Question about FPS and Performance? Sorry =(

    Not just i7's. My FX6300 hex can barely get past 15FPS in small towns.
  3. Andarne (DayZ)

    BattlEye Bans?

    The plot thickens... Do we know how BattlEye works in conjunction with VAC? Will appeals have to go to both, or just one?
  4. Andarne (DayZ)

    Up to 100k desync on nearly every server!!!

    Reinstalling BattlEye did nothing for the desync. Any word from the admins/devs about this?
  5. Andarne (DayZ)

    Player Proximity DeSync Issue (Old Topic!)

    Fully geared character, aye. Desync was present, but not noticeable until a friend joined in the immediate vicinity. He'd be able to use objects and inventory, I'd be able to walk around - but not see nor do anything else.
  6. Andarne (DayZ)

    Why there are no vehicles in DayZ SA

    It's like something out of a nightmare. *Shudders*
  7. Andarne (DayZ)

    Hooking up with DemonGroover

    *Sniff* That's bro-love, right there. The feels!
  8. Andarne (DayZ)

    Mysterious deaths

    Could be Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. That stuff's real, dudes and dudettes.
  9. Andarne (DayZ)

    Vendetta mask spawn ?

    Or does it....? *Eerie music* Do we know of any other clothing that's in the game, but doesn't yet spawn?
  10. Andarne (DayZ)

    Giving some gear away.

    I'd happily take those shinies off of you, but alas - the lag bug has caught up with me, so I must decline.
  11. Andarne (DayZ)


    Wasn't there some method in the mod, where you'd spawn in the relative direction you were looking (at least, along the coast) when you die?
  12. Andarne (DayZ)

    Towns that people don't go to often?

    I've made Guba my home. Low traffic, great resources and the scenery is amazing.
  13. Andarne (DayZ)

    How to fix the high Desync bug!

    Tried this, to no avail. Tried re-installing BattlEye, nothing. I think this bug needs fixing ASAP, before any additions. We can't ALPHA test when we can't even open a door.
  14. Andarne (DayZ)

    A new way to use books in DayZ :D

    Try pressing the arrow keys. That usually helps me. Or clicking on the page, itself.
  15. Andarne (DayZ)

    DayZ Video Requests

    Looking good! One thing I might say is adjust your volume. I often couldn't make out what you were saying over the background ambience of the game. If you're editing in Premiere Pro, or Vegas, try increasing the decibel value of your mic input. Keep up the good work!
  16. Andarne (DayZ)

    Whats going to be in 0.31.114160

    USB drives, man. USB! Or, for extreme measures, HDD's! The pain, the pain!
  17. Andarne (DayZ)

    Metal Detector in DayZ SA

    We've seen some improvised grenades. Perhaps, perhaps not.
  18. Andarne (DayZ)

    The tinfoil bobble hat comes off!

    You're mad, Sooden. Mad as mad can be. But interesting thesis - how did you feel after KoS'ing for a while? Power rush, or depression? Do tell!
  19. Andarne (DayZ)

    Deer stands

    I've seen my fair share of deer stands in the game, but all of them (so far) have yet to spawn any loot. The icons on DayZDB are just to note the location, I believe. Not sure if Rocket & Co are gonna add anything to them.
  20. Andarne (DayZ)

    Beautiful Scenery + Sick Gear

    Those? I can only see one. OP - nice looking gear! Keep a hold of it. There are nasty folks out there.
  21. Andarne (DayZ)

    DayZ videos (Post your videos guys!)

    I believe you have the wrong forum; this is the DayZ Standalone gallery, not the DayZ Mod. Also no need to say "check out this guy's channel" when it's clear that you are leedevildog :) will keep watching, though.
  22. Andarne (DayZ)

    Farts (serious discussion)

    Think of the mess....yuck
  23. Andarne (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    So there is a fight thread? Back on topic; any news on the upcoming patch? Haven't seen any notes for it, yet.
  24. Andarne (DayZ)

    How to give an item to someone?

    What a way to boost the self esteem of the survivors. xD
  25. Andarne (DayZ)

    Starting equipment

    I'm all for nothing at all, apart from basic ruined clothing.