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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast
  1. Name: Adam Age: 15 Special skill: (such as sniper a pilot... exc) i like playing the sniper, but i dont mind why do you want to join recon? playing with other people and in teams is 100X more fun for me :) How long do you get on a day? atleast 2 hours What country do you live in? cyprus
  2. adamszwagrzk@googlemail.com

    New Squad 3 Only

    How old are you: 15 (and a 1/2) Your time zone (GMT): GMT +2 Your in-game name(IGN): Adam Your real name: Adam Skype: adamszwagrzak Put a (x) beside what class you want to be Medic Assault (x) Sniper (x) Heavy CQB(shot gun,hand gun)
  3. Name: Adam Age: 15 How long have you been playing DayZ: since last summer, but with some pretty long breaks here and there. Your Roll: Anything i guess, probably assualt. Skype: adamszwagrzak Why should I pick you: friendly, sociable, looking to have a good time and yeah :) Do you have a mic: Yes
  4. Im almost definate it'll still be running, this mod is in alpha/almost beta (please correct me if im wrong :D), its not even fully released and they have ALOT of fixes to make.
  5. Are you guys still open to new recruits :P Cause i would love to join you guys, hate playing singleplayer, its nerve-racking and theres too many dick heads in DayZ that kill even if you have nothing they want.. so you say your a bandit group... guessing that means shoot on sight yeah :P