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Everything posted by RayPugh

  1. RayPugh

    how to get geared up in an hour?

    just run through buildings to loose zombies, plenty of oppertunities to loose them in cities. break round corners to loose line of sight will shake most further away zombies and sprinting full tilt will keep them away from you till you have made it to the door or round the corner.
  2. RayPugh

    Dayz players in last 24 hours

    hacker buys key, gets banned by battleye, buys a new key... the cycle goes on, BI make more money
  3. RayPugh

    "Scripting Ban"

    idk about that frissy, pretty sure you can use hacked items without battle eye banning you if you were not the person who spawned them in, like picking up hacked weaps and getting in hacked cars ect.
  4. RayPugh

    I just want help

    goto start menu, hit shutdown, go watch tv, you were not made for this here
  5. RayPugh

    Website Permission Changes?

    well we can all (some of us) remeber the old webby page/forum. rocket is only going to invest a limited ammount of time and cash (if he has any yet) in somthing secondary to the game. i dont know who is master and commander of the webby but i do know i wouldnt do it pro bono, like some of the power mad forum mods.
  6. RayPugh

    Website Permission Changes?

    need to be able to display your age on your profile page without telling everyone your birthday, my profile says im 1 years old .....
  7. RayPugh

    Strangers in the night

    exchanging glances Wond'ring in the night what were the chances We'd be sharing love before the night was through
  8. RayPugh

    Being "Friendly" isn't always best

    is your mother proud of you?
  9. lol i would find the page on alt f4 and how rocket sees it as an exploit but im sure someone will link it in the not to distant future
  10. RayPugh

    Crashed chopper

  11. RayPugh

    Crashed chopper

    tried and tested, its just sucks. not only that but any loot on the chopper is blown to smithereens, (whet ever a smithereen is). nice map, i know the one i posted is lame but its also early in the morning and ive not had my coffee yet :P
  12. RayPugh

    Was this a hackers job?

    http://www.youtube.c...layer_embedded" saw this yesterday, if its too long just skip to about 13 mins in
  13. RayPugh

    stoping item hording outside the map

    i think theres been quite a few reports that this is not working atm
  14. RayPugh

    Crashed chopper

    have you looked at the maps with them marked? i usually find them near the castle as there are multiple spots for them nearby. the spawn site is a pre determined location and i think a random chance of them spawning edit: here you go buddy
  15. RayPugh

    What is considered off the map?

    theres a line you cant miss, the textures of grass stop in a dead line, bordering the map. you can go over it for miles and miles hence why people park thier cars out there. edit: it was supposed to stop cars from saving if they were un attended for over a day but im not sure if thats working right now
  16. or something like that.... well your gonna want to find out what that somthing is. being short about it on the forums is not going to get you much help, and the mod is based on a game that uses battle eye. you cant just cut it out.
  17. RayPugh

    Hackers - What you need to know.

    good post but your avrg 'pissed off about hackers' guy will never see or even read this unless it gets a sticky
  18. RayPugh

    How to find a CAR!! [VIDEO]

    I've found better things while diggin around in my belly button cavity
  19. there is a message when you get kicked, what does it say?
  20. we tested on a private hive jumping out of the chopper, motionless, above water. He died in the air way before the impact, the chute deployed but was not conected to the player and flew off on its own leaving him to make his own way :P
  21. not another 'final blow' we are bearly recovering from the last one
  22. your lacking somewhat in the latter
  23. well im not sure about you but when a guy calls you both out and you suspect he's hacking, then proceed to hide behind a mountain and ask if he can still see you he replys with "I can't see you because you're behind a mountain", kinda suggests he can see you on the map, or has clairvoyance. btw havining a tl:dr version doesn't make it any easier to read the text wall.