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Everything posted by RayPugh

  1. RayPugh

    Food takes time to digest

    i hate getting buried by shit suggestions this is not a bump, its a rant... a small one.
  2. RayPugh

    Food takes time to digest

    im not sugesting any increase or decrease in the rate at which one starves or de hydrates, (tho it is a little quick currently.) id like to see a full revamp of the way food is cooked and eaten, in the real world we cook food not only to make it more palatable, but to make it easier to eat. how long would it take you to eat a raw carrot in comparrison to a boiled one? (example) it takes 5 seconds to eat an uncooked can of beans, eat a cooked can of beans in 3 seconds... ofc there is the time it takes too cook things but i would like to see additional changes to the current method of cooking (example) it takes 5 seconds to cook one can of beans provided you have the required items (matches, wood, pan) every subsequent can you add to the mix would take a reduced time of 3 seconds, there should also be a limit to the amount of food one can eat in a single sitting. lets say 4 cans of beans being the maximum it would take 14 seconds to cook the pan of beans. each then taking 3 seconds to eat so thats less than 30 seconds to cook and eat 4 cans of beans. no longer can you just beef up on multiple cans or steaks to regain blood, there is a limit to how many you can eat (4) and if they are cooked they can deliver just a limited amount of blood over a set time period (1680 blood over 4 mins (cooked) (810 blood over 3 mins (uncooked) all examples are just that, examples. I've not given too much thought to the ratios, just that the current method is too easy to get fighting fit in no time.
  3. RayPugh

    DayZ = No Mo Money

    I have a plan where we can just replace currency worldwide with a simple system of blowjobs and cheeseburgers Doug Stanhope
  4. RayPugh

    holstering prime weapon

    hatchet should be a one button bind, like you say sling your primary over the shoulder and whip out the axe lickety-split...
  5. RayPugh

    My dear Hero.

    you accidentally shot him... in the head, I would not hold it against him if he didnt belive you
  6. RayPugh

    My List Of Suggestion's

    all tripe...
  7. RayPugh

    Ruining Someone's Day(Z)

    please change the title of this thread, clearly it should be named wasting someone's day, or at least 5 mins
  8. RayPugh

    Adrenaline meter.

    if you need to ask that question then you have lead a boring life mon frere. have you not experienced the awesome power of it in yours? well in case you have not let me google that for you http://lmgtfy.com/?q=does+adrenline+make+you+run+faster
  9. RayPugh

    Adrenaline meter.

    not sure if this has been posted before but its the first time im reading it and it gets a +1 from me
  10. RayPugh

    Some of my ideas.

    your wrong, it hurts me deep, on an emotional level... you will never understand the pain you have caused me
  11. RayPugh

    Some of my ideas.

    do you read other threads?
  12. RayPugh

    How are DayZ Custom maps made?

    the maps were maps way before dayz my friend
  13. RayPugh


    i think you'll find the word your looking for is helicopter, and bad luck buddy.
  14. RayPugh

    Mountain Dew!!!

    I never got the whole 'green mountain' thing,is it about role play or just retardery?
  15. RayPugh

    3 times today THREE

    try driving better, this is not gta
  16. RayPugh

    Funny ways you've died.

    pressing 'E' instead of 'Q' while hovering in a chopper at low altitude
  17. RayPugh

    Cd key is in use.

    I'm very sorry Mr. (I have an avatar that looks like a cum face) python1338 but I dont believe you and your not the first to deny it and later admit trying to use hacking tools, you deserve the missfortune. and in reference to the 'bitching kid' statment I have just two words for you... knock knock
  18. RayPugh

    Cd key is in use.

    so you have the same set of circumstances as an attempted hacker just you didn't try and hack, Yeah.... as long as we have cleared that up.
  19. RayPugh

    Cd key is in use.

    you tried to use some 'tools' downloaded from an all but trusted source? bad choice mon frere
  20. RayPugh

    DayZ death messages

    you never go full retard
  21. RayPugh


    mmm drugs are bad, mkay?
  22. RayPugh

    Sugestion to solve the spawnkilling

    You basically want ppl to be invulnerable for 20 mins. No
  23. RayPugh

    DayZ Series

    Hi Gary, do you mind if I call you Gary? I assume thats your real name, and I'm not calling you mega. You need to get somone else to be the narrator, somone whos not 12 years old...Then try film somthing other than the completion of menial tasks, all the while proning betweeen them.