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Everything posted by RayPugh

  1. RayPugh

    Loadout of choice thread?

    fav set up primary m4cco sd in pack DMR on me secondary if you've managed to get the afore mentioned weaps then ill take whatever is lying around, prob go for the pdw for the cross use of mp5 g17 and m9 clips
  2. i think he's a little embarrassed about the following moments
  3. RayPugh

    The best place to set a tent...

    @ the op, i dont think anyone really cares unless your gonna splash up a screen shot or just explain where it is...
  4. RayPugh

    how old is your survivor?

    i have to be honest im slightly dissapointed, i thought there would be a fair few long term survivors who had more than my racked up dayz... theres got to be somone out there with more than 227dayz?
  5. RayPugh


    was playing for about three hours on comms with a couple of dutch guys on thier own server, i was relativly new at this point as were they judging by thier play styles, we had been through the ringer a bit, tho i had kept my composure where possible and minimised any dmg recieved. my amigos on the other had were in a very bad way, its pitch black, they are on less than 3k blood each and cant see shit and if my memory serves me well we were not too far from the coast, msta or somwhere... i came up with the idea that they should kill them selves and i would regroup with them after grabbing any worth while gear from thier bodys and from what i gathered they seemed to concure. Then the one guys like "I'm not hitting respawn! if i die i want to die like a man... we should shoot each other!" the first guys not up for that shit, dose not want the humanity hit, so he respawns. i aim my winchester at the other guys head and ask him if he wants me to give him an easy way out? and then.... BLAM! the guy blows me away when im on around 10 k blood, loads of gear and no problems healthwise. im like 'there was absolutly no fucking reason for that, my character was perfectly fine!' i didnt care if it was a mis understanding, i rage quit and gtfo there sonofabitch!
  6. I have never got this program to work in conjunction with my set up, tried multiple times, failed every time. if you want something done right, do it yourself. you were updating manually before perhaps? I use the spirited machine launcher and paste the files from the dayz mod webby myself, that way I know its working. if you have both arma games required to play dayz through steam you can simply download the mod from there now, link
  7. what is the error message you get when booted? edit: just re read the title of this thread... if your not getting an actual error message your probably going to need a friend in the server to read out the error message as you get booted, or get in touch with an admin of the server.
  8. RayPugh

    Road flares suck so how about..

    The human eye can see a single candle on a clear night for miles, even though you see a flare from a distance in arma I doubt it is anywhere near the real view distance of an rl flare because that would be very very far indeed! still, Im down for some alternate light sources with shorter view distances, as long as its balanced. also just want to add that torches currently suck balls but I'm sure we all know that... hint hint rocket
  9. RayPugh

    DE 2500

    hi i was playing on de 2500 last night and its not there today, dayz moniter shows it offline. if you are the admin of this server please msg me a short pm in you intend to get it back up, it would be much appriecated
  10. RayPugh

    how old is your survivor?

    you might have taken it the wrong way, and i certainly dont goto play on a private hive because everyone has hugs and kisses for me. only that i have a vested interest in my main hive char i feel playing on a private hive is like having a burner char. with my priv hive guy good gear comes and goes the highs and lows of gameplay are frequent. i prefer a more subdued existance on the main hive and am alot more carefull about my movements, game play is slower and the threat of death just that little bit more scary...
  11. so for some reason i decided to run out of the second story window of the office/school in electro right above the front entrance.i already thought i was dead upon leaving the the building via a floor that wasnt the ground floor, but, i fell over with instant KO the timer went down in under 5 seconds and i had not even broken my leg! yet ive died instantly from running out of a dear stand <_<
  12. RayPugh

    Find a server

    when i came in this thread a church bell rang in the distance, a cold biting wind whisled through the empy street, and then a tumble weed just rolled on by... you should really remeber the name before entering a server. pro tip: have a pen handy.
  13. RayPugh

    The Notorious Can Incident

    maybe you should just go back to killzone, kid.
  14. when I drive with my mates in the car appartently I literally smash through or monster truck over huge pieces of debris in the road, at full speed, that I cannot see on my client. making them, lets say just a little bit anxious... I drive, very rarely, straight through everything.
  15. RayPugh

    Why I'm uninstalling DayZ

    i'm confused, maybe you meant to name this thread somthing else?
  16. RayPugh

    Why I'm uninstalling DayZ

    This was a fantastic read, it really was. Pure hilarity from start to finnish.
  17. RayPugh

    Low fps

    half that fps and your running with the average performance of a dual core rig. imo id say stop moaning because im lucky for 20fps but im not sure if theres any performace tweaks you can do to get 60fps in cherno for example, perhaps reducing the amount of items loading in front of you (pop up.) your best bet would be check arma 2 forums not here http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=6713
  18. are you running it on a capable rig?
  19. if that is the best response you can come up with then here is mine, cool story bro...
  20. inb4, use search function. this has been suggested multiple time, but dont fret! your not the first and im sure you wont be the last to suggest it
  21. your still getting hung up on what the mod lacks, as prieviously stated rocket has mentioned a vast expansion in the sickness dept for the SA. ie its not just going to be 'pop a few pills' and back along on your merry way should you find yourself infected. i know the mod is easy to beat but rocket is not seling it as anything more is he? we know the mod is lacking in depth and endgame content, we enjoy to play it for other reasons. and no i do not bum rocket or defend his mod
  22. you sound like the type of guy who dosent want to get slowed down by game mechanics. the whole point of dayz is survival, not to deathmatch in cherno. the standalone will be very much more like you vrs the world. rocket has mentioned a whole game mechanic based on the infection system which would lend to there being alot more depth in how one gets sick and what you would need to alleviate your suffering or cure the infection. i for one am looking forward to finding out just how many different ways 'the world' can kill you in the SA
  23. As the title suggests I'd like to see a little time between the eating of a meal and receiving the health increase it brings with it, so if you eat a can of beans or steak for example your health will trickle up at a certain rate. perhaps +5 blood per second. (just and example ratio) I think the instant increase of health is a little too easy to top up blood, as are blood bags. I know blood bags have been discussed to death, but a similar trickle increase on blood over time mechanism would be less op and more realistic at the same time. I don't want to go any further into blood bags in this post but your welcome to add your thoughts. the further elaborate on this you could introduce some form of system for the cooking and eating of food, lets say you want to eat a can of beans. you can eat them and lets say that takes 5 seconds, and it will yield 4.5 blood per second for 45 seconds (just over 200) . or you can cook them and eat them providing you have the relevant materials. it will take 10 seconds to cook and eat them but you will receive an 7 blood per second increase for 1 min (420 blood) any suggestions and constructive criticism is most welcome :)