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About Broseephus

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  1. Broseephus

    10 murders in 7 minutes

    Fucking beans.
  2. Broseephus

    The backstabber bandits

    Talk about some sad individuals. Who takes a week of setting someone up before trolling them..... talk about a waste of time. Atleast you can be glad that you are leaps and bounds ahead of them in the game of life. Cause seriously....a week of dedication to troll a new player is just sad.
  3. http://i.imgur.com/afI8y.jpg Rules of engagement: Anyone with a weapon.
  4. Broseephus


    I spawned as a NEW character in a building in Novy Sobor one day... took a couple of minutes but I eventually popped out.
  5. Broseephus

    Server Hoppers

    I have a certain spot at NW Airfield that I camp on low pop servers and wait for the hoppers to just come pouring in ;) . You never wait more than 10 minutes or so before you get some action.
  6. Broseephus

    DayZ - The Priest has arrived.

    I went to the northwesternmost part of the map the other night on a Night time server. The entire forest was on fire. I tried fraps,dxtory, and msi afterburner to try and record it and take screen shots.... none of the files would save.
  7. Broseephus

    FPS Drop Spikes in certain situations

    Integrated GPU = you will not get rid of the frame drops.
  8. Broseephus

    Why I hate playing with my friends

    I wouldn't play with people that DC out of firefights either. Luckily my friends are not gigantic pussies and are willing to lose their gear to keep the integrity of the game. We can't stand when we hit someone only to see them drop bleeding and disappear.
  9. Broseephus

    Ok this guy cracks me up

    This dude is fantastic.
  10. Broseephus

    Steam Gift

    Had an extra one so I sent it to you.
  11. Broseephus

    How much can a guy take

    That's why I use the Enfield. 1-2 hit kills at almost every practical range.
  12. Broseephus

    Hatchets Everywhere!

    I noticed that happened on a couple of servers for me a couple of days ago... hatchets/tin cans/ammo everywhere but nothing else at all.
  13. Broseephus

    Halarious Video

    too funny. I have been killed a couple of times in buildings by people coming around corners I thought were my buddies. Never had someone in the same vehicle though.
  14. Broseephus

    Shoot on site solution...

    I actually like this. Nobody loses. Survivors can rest easy knowing they can't be killed by other care bears, but bandits still get to kill whom ever they want. Maybe every 5 days it gives you the option to change to bandit if you want but you can never go back to survivor.