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  1. Kids are back in school. Not all of them will be playing everyday. With all the scripting going on, kids back in school with much less time to play will just elect not to play. GW2 just came out. I'm sure a fair number of people left to play that. Lastly, yes, some people have quit playing due to the abundance of scripters. Kids back in school and GW2 probably account for most of the drop in players in the last 24 hours.
  2. It's more effective to remove everything from their tents and then put something of your own, not something you pulled out, and then save it. I put in things like meat or bandages. I have never had a save fail when doing this.
  3. I have no problem changing inventories of tents. I find peoples tents, remove everything and place something common and save a few times. I've gone back and checked after multiple restarts and the tent is just as I saved it. I suggest each person has their own tent and never save the same tent 2 times in a row and always place something new in it before you save.
  4. They just said a bit ago that they are going to do this again. It really is to be expected that there would be problems. This has never been done before so there is no way they can possibly know what kinds of issues can crop up. I also heard them say that they stupidly named the server Hunger Games and people found out the ip because of it and they got ddos'd
  5. I simply changed what I want to do in the game. I simply run around with an axe, the best pack I can find, basic survival gear, map, compass, knife, matches, bandages, morphine and either drinks or water bottles. I then run around emptying camps and destroying any vehicles I find. If I die, everything is easily gotten again. I will expect more and do more when the standalone comes out.
  6. I'm pretty sure they were saying that all the streamers and Youtubers who have been constantly streaming and making videos are the people who made the game popular. The more popular the game became, the more people who started playing it. As the masses started playing of course the scriptkiddies came into the game. I have no doubt that if the mod stayed at the size that Rocket figured it to be, just a couple hundred people, these issues wouldn't have come up. It's my understanding that this mod was never intended to be this big. It grew too big too fast. I could be wrong but I believe Minecraft didn't even gathered this big of a following this quickly. There was no way for Rocket to have prevented this from happening and there really isn't anything that can be done about it except for stopping production of the standalone to work on the issues of scripters in the mod. The best suggestion I have seen is the taking down of the hive and just letting each server fend for themselves. Sure there will still be scripters in the games but without the hive and with server owners able to lock down their servers and do whatever they want, it might curb the problem until the standalone is released.
  7. Kids started going back to school this week, at least in the usa. Numbers are going to be down.
  8. tarin4med@gmail.com

    The Standing Dead

    I saw this the other day. After waiting 10 minutes for the one guy to walk past the doorway I was aiming out I got up the nerves to walk up to him. Earlier that night, like within the last 45 minutes I had seen a few people get kicked by BE for high ping, around 300 or more. Both of the bodies I found were two of the people that got kicked.
  9. Buy the game twice. I first bought it on steam and DayZ ran fine but OA wouldn't run on it's own. Rather than try to fix the issue I just bought a copy from https://store.bistudio.com . Sacriel has a video on Youtube that shows you how to change between the two keys. Profiles are tied to your GUID so you can change your profile all you want and it will still be the same gear and stuff just different name and possibly face.
  10. Easiest and best way to break into the hospitals is to throw a tin can at the far left or right windows. If you can't find a tin can within spitting distance of the hospitals you have more than a couple of issues. Clouds move from West to East. Figure out where south is and craw south. Eventually you will either hit someplace you know or you will hit Elektro or Cherno.
  11. just try servers with only a handful of people on it. Most people won't play on night time servers so they are usually pretty empty
  12. I even grab cans and bottles until I find better stuff. They are useful for pulling zombies away or to send them towards others. Empty bottles seem to work best for that. I've seen 5 or 6 head to a spot I threw a bottle and just stand around it. I always have a full pack and inventory. I just dump out the least useful items I have when I find better loot. I'm not going to bother with any other storage until the standalone.
  13. I don't use sniper guns but that is only because I don't know anybody who plays pc games. If I was in a team and had people to watch my back and go down and loot the kills or lead people to the killing area I would be using them. I have always preferred sniping. When I play cod4i loved to go on sniper servers. Contrary to popular belief, they aren't the easiest to get kills with. Range finding is always a factor. You also have to deal with movement. Sure anybody can hit a target that is just sitting there or walking/running away or towards you but trying to hit someone who is moving perpendicularish to you it becomes another ballgame. And if you don't get them on the first shot they know you are there and any decent player will make themselves a much harder target to hit. The problem that people who continually get shot by snipers have is they generally do stupid things like stop moving out in the open or in view of a sniper spot. I suppose there are probably aimbots out there too
  14. Correction. Less than 25 euros, alpha heavily discounted.