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Everything posted by Sonova

  1. It's not that they don't do anything. It's that they can't. DayZ is a mod that runs on ArmA2, which allows scripts, which consequently is what these script users... well.. use.
  2. Sonova

    Do you still have artifacts?

    I tried going into balota the other day and There was a huge artifact in the center between the guard posts near the entrance. Shit looked like a langolier.
  3. It's not too far fetched to imagine Rocket doing something similar to this. I mean just as an example mind you, look at Mojang and their "recent" hiring of the Bukkit team.
  4. Sonova

    My bones are made of pancake mix.

    Pancake mix? I would've compared it to styrofoam.
  5. Only if zombie numbers were increased. as it stands now even that wouldn't make them a threat.
  6. No sir, I was not. I have no issues with PvP and thoroughly enjoy it in this game. My post was directed towards players like the ones OP described. Pretend to be friendly, shoot you in face.. or in this case,the back.
  7. No, I think i'll stay put and keep standing in your way because why not? If you have a problem with that you may want to look up those aforementioned private hives. /end
  8. Your thread title probably should have been " Zombies need to be the biggest threat. " Now, I understand Rocket said players are, but lets be honest here. If this were to actually happen you wouldn't waste precious ammo on another human unless it was absolutely necessary and those who do wouldn't survive long enough to do it again as they would eventually dwindle their supply and be defenseless.
  9. It's what happens when man-children gain access to the internet. Anonymity makes them feel safe so they act like they do without fear of repercussions. Games like DayZ where "Survival" is the point of the game just gives them an excuse. Then you get those same people on here saying "lolit'spartofthegame" but they seem to be confusing Survival for acting like a fucking tool. in the end, OP, You're better off learning from your mistakes and avoiding all possible contact with them and only trust people you actually know.
  10. I wouldn't mind playing on a server where you find nothing but Maks and Hatchets and increased zombie/Player ration ( more zombies per 1 player )
  11. Both sides of this debate have very valid points; however, I don't think it's really that hard to say to someone "Hey, in-case you didn't know, that weapon you're holding is hacked in and not allowed. Please discard it and continue on your way or we will be forced to take further action."
  12. Sonova

    Best Hacker of All Time... Scariest Moment Ever.

    This guy has ALL my beans. Jesus Christ why can't more Scripters do this?
  13. Sonova

    The Golden Tent - Most Epic Loot Finds

    Was two days ago. Me and my friend were on our way to check out a deer stand Near Stary Sobor when all of a sudden I hear a Heli fly over head, it faded for a few seconds then came back. I told my friend to get the fuck down and under cover as there was a heli over-head. A few seconds later the fumpfumpfumpfump faded and we hear a massive explosion Adrenaline high we headed towards the sound finding the crashed Heli in an open field (yes I know) With my friend on over-watch I cautiously approach the downed heli. Alerted by a player skin standing upright I slowly crawled towards her (female skin) and realized the corpse just glitched. As I opened her Coyote Backpack she revealed to me a TWS, NVG 17 ( yes seventeen) Ghillie suits silenced pistols Satchel charges and a variety of other assorted goodies, During the looting process the hacker whom seemingly crashed the heli teleported back to us and killed me and my friend after we both put several rounds into her chest.
  14. Sonova

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    Take it however you will. It still stands to reason that in a game about zombies, "realism" shouldn't be that much of a factor that you have to disable chat.
  15. Sonova

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    Because I had a slight hunch that you'd use the word realistic in a game about zombies. But the hostility wasn't quite intended as you can't portray correctly a tone in text.
  16. Apparently enabling the side-chat is a blacklist-able offense. So be careful. Also, I can't seem to find your server on Six Launcher.
  17. Sonova

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    And that reason being? Because if you say shit-talking then you should slap yourself (Or Rocket) in the face with shovel, as this does NOT prevent shit-talk in the least. If you were not going to say that, disregard my previous statement and please explain.
  18. Sonova

    Anti-Cheat Solution

    I'm all for having white-listed servers; however, as it stands now it just wouldn't be fair. What's to stop a person from a white-listed server who probably had a very easy time gathering gear, and going over to a public server to kill people, and can safely return to his server to gather more gear if killed or depletes his ammo. And that's just one exploit. The only way I can see this becoming allowed is if servers were "seperate" I.E Characters are not transferable between servers. New server = new character.
  19. Sonova

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    Understandable, but what has me worried is if BiS decides to go EA and take Dayz from rocket and turn it into shit. ( Not saying it will happen ) just stating my concerns.
  20. Sonova

    So I'm throwing my money

    The only other thing I can think of Len, is to buy yourself a ticket fly over to his place and shove the money down his pants
  21. Sonova

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    Curious.. I was reading the main page and noticed this. Now I know Rocket works for BIS, but wouldn't it require Rocket giving/selling the Dayz IP to BIS in order for them to put this there? DAYZ™ and Bohemia Interactive™ are trademarks of Bohemia Interactive.
  22. I bet 1 can of beans that 95% of the people who just cried friendly will shoot you in the back.
  23. Sonova

    Nvidia and gtx 680 users

    I believe multiple Display performance mode is for those of us who use two monitors while the other is preferred for only a 1-monitor setup.