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Everything posted by AryanBoogeyman

  1. lol Just waiting for an excuse. Sad little man. Guardian of the status quo. It's turds like you that are exactly what they profess to be against.
  2. But that might offend someone..... somewhere..... sometime. Perhaps better to say critical thinking impaired anal cavity? I despair for my fellow man that uses these linguistic gymnastics to speak the obvious.
  3. lol wut did I jest reeed?
  4. Sad. This is what's wrong with modern society. Scared of a fucking word. We are not worthy of our heritage. "I'm offended." The war-cry of the impotent. Disgusting.
  5. AryanBoogeyman

    Went Back To The Mod Last Night - The Little Things

    God I miss binos. Getting on a motorbike and just hauling ass through Cherno and Electro full speed dodging the inevitable noobs firing their makarovs as fast as they can pull the trigger..... lol good times. Heli hunting and then destroying said helis without ever lifting off. Owner returns..... WTF? The mod offered so much more. That said I still believe the SA will surpass it. Patience young grasshoppa.
  6. lol Umm no... To me anything that requires interaction versus immediate bullet delivery is good for the game. I don't know why you have your panties in a twist about the OP. If the apoc happened tomorrow there would be a lot of dead trusting souls out there. The psychological side of what he proposes is very valid and interesting. If you are complaining about the morality of his actions.... this is DayZ... there is no morality but what you bring to your character. The actions of others are entirely outside your control unless you employ some of OPs techniques.
  7. Doritos and anime porn as bait to acquire said specimens?
  8. Having an ego infers some sort of higher level brain function than a root vegetable.... Unconfirmed. B)
  9. Look I get that you have a "job" here but push the self-censorship on the plebs. This is one of the best forums on the net, but not because of someone else's idea of what the majority should say.
  10. This is exactly what Dean meant when he called DayZ a social experiment. Congrats to the OP on graduating from the idiotic shoot everything that moves mentality. Who says you shouldn't play with your food before you eat it? :D
  11. AryanBoogeyman

    Streamers make Day Z SA look like so much action happens.

    :D Sounds right. Explains why the mods private servers all went to 1000 helis - auto refuel - self blood bag...... Keep it real Rocket and Co. No private hives that are not running the actual game please.
  12. Never had anyone pull that B.S. Of course the shoot at everything that moves types are hilarious but this.... yeah this is truly disgusting. Meh the world is full of retards. Whaddya gunna do?
  13. AryanBoogeyman

    Fan Made DayZ Standalone Trailer

    Good video. Loved the music, pacing and editing seemed spot on. Beeeeeeeeeeeans. :)
  14. AryanBoogeyman

    Rocket at PAX, when is he on?

    For us long term players that Twitch wasn't anything out of the ordinary or unexpected. For someone new to DayZ... well even I would question just what the fuck DayZ is based on that stream alone. Poor planning for sure. The Streamer nerds should know where the fuck they are going with a freshie surely. Right?
  15. AryanBoogeyman

    Rocket at PAX, when is he on?

    It's really funny how uninformed and seemingly uninterested Dean is about his own game.... how the hell did they sell so many units of this with that kind of leadership? Don't get me wrong I love his uncensored, naive nature. It just seems mind boggling to me how he can run his own product down and still get such a following. I guess that just speaks to the strength of the original idea. Well, patience here is key it would seem. Had some good laughs at the twitch stream. Who's idea was it to send a new-spawn up north into nothing for half an hour? Derp.
  16. Greatest concern? That BI caves to the popular mainstream of "gamers", dumbs down and simplifies almost all systems in game and we are left with Call of BattlefieldNaziZombies4567.... Not really realistic in my mind given BIs past history but there is a lot of pressure on these guys to beat the big dogs now..... Only time will tell.
  17. AryanBoogeyman

    "Be Quiet" Gesture Animation

    Definitely needed. Good add OP.
  18. AryanBoogeyman

    zombie games and gender issues

    I think the OP is correct in asserting that there is a gender gap in these types of games- but I believe that is a fundamental feature in women and mens basic natures. My wife is absolutely not interested in violent video games but actually really likes puzzle solving and story telling types of games. It's not black and white as there will be outliers on both sides but I believe generally speaking most women are turned off by the amount of pointless violence in these types of games. As far as making DayZ more social - I believe it is up to the player-base itself to enact change in the game itself. Once DayZ is feature complete we will see more people taking the time to "build" within it. The Freeside Trading Company from the mod being a fine example of player driven organic content. I believe the CEO (lol) of Freeside still posts on these forums, albeit in a bit of a jaded way nowadays. Can't blame him tbh.
  19. AryanBoogeyman

    Save The Trees Man! Marginalized Wilderness

    DayZ de-forestation.... A looming crisis? More at eleven... :)
  20. Yep there is a laundry list of really good companies/products that EA has consumed and destroyed. A compelling argument for the regulation of monopolies.
  21. AryanBoogeyman

    Save The Trees Man! Marginalized Wilderness

    Camps will be harder to hide in the much reduced wilderness - no question. Really hoping they give us the tools to make effective stashes - small ground based hides as well as tents/campsites. An effective means to camouflage these things to escape possible aerial detection is also badly needed. Camo tarps/webbing? At any rate the west side of the map will be a crowded campground indeed.
  22. LOL. EA. What a fucking cancer that company has become. They utterly destroyed the Battlefield franchise. Disgusting.
  23. AryanBoogeyman

    Spawns On The East, Bet Everyone Thought It Was Stupid...

    I agree with most of what you say but the catch here is that the current setup makes it EASIER and far more convenient for the lazy members of the community to PvP. As simple as that. I would be happy if they just had the mods system of spawning along the entire length of the coast. The North would still be relatively noob free and the coastal spawns would be spread out a hell of a lot more.
  24. AryanBoogeyman

    Hunting- It better be damn hard

    Snares should be the only consistently viable way to catch rabbits... The more options for "survivalism" the better IMO.
  25. AryanBoogeyman

    Proper Evisceration & Decapitation Would Be Nice

    OP I get where you are coming from on a "realism" level, but I too don't want the Hollywood levels of gore that are in most mainstream games now. Overdone and just plain boring tbh. Now being able to accurately tell the cause of death from different types of wounds seems entirely reasonable. The whole torture thing seems just retarded IMO. Leave that kind of shit in the closet. :|