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Posts posted by fluks

  1. Would like to know if this is a legit script or not.

    "player setVariable['lastPos',0];

    player setposatl [10346.3,2230.27,0.00143909];"

    Got about 7 people who used this, during the night.

  2. Well you either got lucky or your full of it. Here is the exact response I got.

    Can I host my server at home?

    No. A home internet connection is not intended to run servers. There are several problems with this:

    • Most home internet connections have far less upload bandwidth than download bandwidth. You may have 24Mbit download bandwidth, but only 6Mbit upload bandwidth. A DayZ server requires a lot of upload bandwidth, and for peaks (server restarts when lots of people try to log in) requires a lot more.
    • Many ISPs won't allow home internet connections to run servers. You may get disconnected by your ISP for this.
    • Many ISPs won't allow you to accumulate that much bandwidth. A DayZ server will consume multiple terabytes per month. If you do not have unlimited bandwidth, this could cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars. Or, it'll consume your bandwidth quota in a day or two.
    • Many home internet connection use dynamic IPs. A static IP is highly recommended
    • Many home internet connections are less stable and reliable than dedicated connections.

    As such, you cannot host your DayZ server on a home internet connection.

    I'm lucky then. I'm on a 100/50Mbps connection with no bandwidth cap. And by the way, my 40 slot server doesn't use more than 3/3Mbps (average).

    And you might wanna rethink before hosting a server (even if you got the application accepted). It's like a full-time job at the moment.

  3. I am trying to create a dedicated server and I am running into this error message when I run the .bat. I have tried disabling as well as adding excepetions to my windows firewall, and forwarding ports 2302-2308 on my router. I found a thread with the same issue but nothing mentioned in there helped fix my problem. If anyone has any suggestions id appreciate it. Thank you.

    Opening X port and then +1 and +3 , and using your internal IP in the .bat file fixed it for me.

    • Like 1

  4. Hello,

    this night at 1:15 am (GMT+2) obviously a cheater was on the server.

    We found a ATV full with a AS-50 and a FAL with night vision. It was fully broken (hull and all wheels).

    After we get some wheels and metal we repaired the ATV and drove away.

    Suddenly our driver of the ATV get teleported back to the origin place and again back to his actual real position. Now the problem was, that the ATV was gone. He saw a player stood there at the origin place.

    We drove back to the origin place with our motorcycles. Nobody was there. So we went back on our way to Elekro. At the southern of Prigorodki we saw lights. It was the ATV. We turned off our motorcycles and observed the scene.

    At once one of our morocycles teleported away. No one of us sit on it. A minute later a female player drove with exactly this motorcycle to us. We shoot on her and kill her. The name of the player was 'Disturbed' . She wear the L85 with thermo optic. We controlled the motorcycle. The damage of its parts was akin to the vehicle that teleported away.

    Sure we have no evidence for this case, but maybe some other player on the server saw something alike. Or maybe the admin can reconstruct some incidents.

    Good night.

    Hi Sierra. There's a lot of "1:15:22 Server: Network message xxxxxx is pending" messages in the log files, at that time. Maybe a major desync?

    It's not easy to "read" the log files, when I don't know what I'm looking for.

    Anyway, thanks for letting me know.

  5. Don't really care about what the devteam says. I'm banning cheaters (ammobox spawners.. Don't know what else to look for in the logs) and players who disconnects to avoid death. Letting them roam free is hurting the whole community. If the devs wanna blacklist my server because I'm actually taking time to look through logs and ban cheaters, then so be it. You guys are ruining your own game.

    • Like 4

  6. seems like the server owner doesn't realy keep an eye out for it.. do you guys know if there are any vechickles left on the map? cant spell the damn word... Cars and such

    You are more than welcome to take over responsibility if you'd like?

    Reason for not doing a restart yesterday was because there were 2 heli-crash sites at the NWAF, which led me to believe that it would create epic firefights in that area (more fun for the players). I did not know that the server would lag, if I let it run a day without a restart (so that's on me).

    I'm doing manual restarts, give people warnings before the server shuts down, browse through gigabytes worth of text to look for cheaters, browse through forums to see if the latest beta patch is stable + having a life outside the computer.

    If the server is not optimal at any given time when you're playing, go ahead and host your own server if you can do a better job.

  7. Ya but yesterday it worked i played a few hours there and the server was really stable for me.

    Wanted to continue... connection failed ...

    Reason for this is that the server is running 94876 (which is clearly stated in the servername in the list). Gonna give the latest betapatch a try later today.

  8. Tried again with a fresh install of ArmA2 + OA but still getting the same error.

    There's no other process that use the same port.

    Even turning off all firewalls doesn't help.

    Seems like I'm destined to not be able to host a DayZ-server, and it's giving me a headache.


    Thanks for the tip but didn't work for me, unfortunately.

  9. I can manually start arma2oaserver.exe and it works just fine with the exact same port. Like I said in the first post, I've hosted other MPmissions before on the same port and I had no problems. I bet there's something in the dayz procedure that causes this, I just don't know what it is.

    I've also tried other ports aswell but the exact same error occurs.

    * Went through the "to do"-list from DayZ and carefully gone through each step like 10 times.

    * Rebooted computer

    * Triple-checked the firewall settings.

    * Checked task manager

    Nothing helps.

  10. I've gotten my first server whitelisted and done everything in the "to do"-list received from the DayZ-team, but when I run the .bat file I get this error:

    ***Dedicated host created.

    ***Cannot start host on port 2302.

    I know the port is open since I've hosted other MPmissions before. I've also tried to change the port aswell but with no luck, same error.

    This is the whole .bat file:

    Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe -mod=EXPANSION\beta;EXPANSION\beta\Expansion;EXPANSION;ca;@dayz;@hive -ip=XX.XXX.XX.XX -port=2302 -profiles=cfgdayz -config=cfgdayz\server_XXX.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\arma2.cfg -name=cfgdayz -world=Chernarus -cpuCount=1 -exThreads=1 -noSound

    Anyone else had this problem before, or know how to correct it?

    Thanks in advance
