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About fluks

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  1. fluks


    In other words, ban them all?
  2. fluks


    Would like to know if this is a legit script or not. "player setVariable['lastPos',0]; player setposatl [10346.3,2230.27,0.00143909];" Got about 7 people who used this, during the night.
  3. fluks

    Is This a Hack??

    Add his GUID in bans.txt . Use BERCon to log into your server and type "loadbans". That will automatically kick him/her.
  4. fluks

    Home Server Bank and DayZ BS

    I'm lucky then. I'm on a 100/50Mbps connection with no bandwidth cap. And by the way, my 40 slot server doesn't use more than 3/3Mbps (average). And you might wanna rethink before hosting a server (even if you got the application accepted). It's like a full-time job at the moment.
  5. fluks


    Thanks. I'll just wait for BE then.
  6. fluks


    Installed the new DayZ files, Hive and the newest ArmA beta v.95417. Everyone gets kicked by battleye. "Unknown game version".
  7. fluks

    Home Server Bank and DayZ BS

    Strange. I got my application for a so called "home server", accepted. And that's only a few weeks ago.
  8. Maybe I'm just stupid but I don't know how to translate those coords anyway :P
  9. No problem. As you can see in the other thread, I had the same problem. Couldn't figure it out for several days and it really gave me a headache.
  10. Doesn't make sense to me that your application got rejected. I host my server at home, on a 100/50Mbps connection with no cap. My server (max 40 players) average at 3Mbps download and upload. What's funny is that I maintain my server better than most "datacenter servers". I bet you would aswell.
  11. Opening X port and then +1 and +3 , and using your internal IP in the .bat file fixed it for me.
  12. fluks

    Norway 8 needs a restart really!

    Hi Sierra. There's a lot of "1:15:22 Server: Network message xxxxxx is pending" messages in the log files, at that time. Maybe a major desync? It's not easy to "read" the log files, when I don't know what I'm looking for. Anyway, thanks for letting me know.
  13. And what do we (admins) search for in the log files to identify the vehicle spawners? All I know is the ammo.sqf and that's it. Would love to get some more info on this.
  14. fluks

    Norway 8 needs a restart really!

    Because I updated to the latest piece of crap beta.