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About GambitNz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. GambitNz

    Hacker on nz 10

    Hacker on Nz 10 server, name is joey_424. spawning weapons that arn't in DayZ and also vehicles
  2. GambitNz

    You can still dupe Tents...

    http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/3535/120712222304.png running along the field and find this
  3. GambitNz

    Hackers, AGAIN!

    http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/3436/120710022134.png after the hackers turned up.
  4. GambitNz

    NZ/AU Group LFM.

    Hey il join. i have also been looking for other Nz players that play hard hours of this game =P mostly always playing solo, but really want other people to play with. My steam name is GambitNz add me.
  5. looking for other new zealand players, players that play alot and wouldnt mind teaming up. It gets lonely playing solo
  6. GambitNz

    ANZAC Search and Rescue

    Hey im intrested. add my steam name GambitNz