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Everything posted by XMorTus

  1. XMorTus

    Funny thing just happened in US 88

    Well that blows
  2. same shit happend to me and my buddy. hes at the base of the tree line and I am 200+ into the tree line and he gets kill i move to a group of bushes for cover. I am surronded on all sides and I get head shot out of no where about 10 seconds later.
  3. How can you say its a bad community. The game is desinged with pvp in mind. I shoot onsite unless the target is unarmed if they are unarmed I give them food and water enought to make it to a city or a airstrip and leave them. My second day playing I helped some one for two hours got him gear weapons maps food everytihg. then duuring a zombie killing spree he turned and shot me in the head for no reason. So yes I shoot people on sight becase they will shoot me if I dont. I know server hoppers suck. me and my friends were holding down the raido tower so firend could get some stuff when a guy ran to the outside of the tower and spotted them via 3rd person disconnected then connected to another server and moved into a spot of the tower where people couldnt see him then reconnected and killed 3 of us before I before combat disconnecting while I was shooting at him. but this is all part of the game as it is if you dont like it leave but dont cry on the fourms no one cares.
  4. .SO has a large group of people most of us are ex pro-gamers and we would love to have more people to play around with. hit me up via pm if your intrested.
  5. Dont feel bad I was in a server when it went down and another player teleported in front of me and shot me in the head so I lost a m4 cco sd :(