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About Calcey

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    On the Coast
  1. Calcey

    Coop? Why the hell coop?

    Unfortunatly I have friends who don't like to play arma nor dayz. I don't really care about it nor is it really influencing my fun. Ok I noticed that I've made some mistakes concerning the structur of the text. It really looks like that my intentions were all focused to make impossible to form groups outside of the game since there is a massiv wall of text conerning it. It wasn't actually my goal to focus on that topic. Sorry to everyone. My main focus was actually set for the difficulty of the game and cooperative/KOS teamplay. I'll edit the OP. Sorry again if I sounded arrogant/agressif in my earlier replies :s You shouldn't apologize.
  2. Stop being a pansy ass and shoot back or stay out of cities. The bandits are in game for a reason. Rocket ( The developer ) didnt want this game to be a sissy la-la queer hand holding game where you and your mouth breathing team of super friends can go skipping through the streets with flowers and rainbows cooperating and chanting "RA RA TEAM WORK! YAAAAAAAY!" without a chance that someone might come along and shatter your pre-mature wet dream of a perfect post apocalyptic world of friendship and faggotry. Get over bandits or get a different game. Simple. Lol nice rage my good sir' date=' oh and real original on the "go play something else" part. damn, people in these forums just keeps getting worse and worse, hell even the TF2 forums are better and more polite. I really never said anything about teamwork, I just adressed the issue. No need to go in complete butthurt mode :) [/quote'] Stop trying to water down and make the PvP of this game worthless. The PVP is a harsh fact of reality. In a post apocalyptic world not everyone you meet is going to want to friend you on facebook ( which would give you a total of 1 friend ) People like me and many others would kill or be killed. Sorry the truth hurts but so does reading these dumb ass fag posts about making the games pvp punishable. Listen, if you can't deal with a suggestion, I Would urge you to stay out of the suggestion board. Also, to those that don't like the idea of the game taking actions for you, there's already a hunger and temp system ingame, which slows you down, I Assume you also want that removed?
  3. Stop being a pansy ass and shoot back or stay out of cities. The bandits are in game for a reason. Rocket ( The developer ) didnt want this game to be a sissy la-la queer hand holding game where you and your mouth breathing team of super friends can go skipping through the streets with flowers and rainbows cooperating and chanting "RA RA TEAM WORK! YAAAAAAAY!" without a chance that someone might come along and shatter your pre-mature wet dream of a perfect post apocalyptic world of friendship and faggotry. Get over bandits or get a different game. Simple. Lol nice rage my good sir, oh and real original on the "go play something else" part. damn, people in these forums just keeps getting worse and worse, hell even the TF2 forums are better and more polite. I really never said anything about teamwork, I just adressed the issue. No need to go in complete butthurt mode :)
  4. Calcey

    im done with being friendly

    yeah it's getting pretty dumb shooting everyone you see, people sure like them painkillers and bandages.
  5. A few days ago, when I was playing the game I came up with an idea, which kinda build itself the more I played the game. I know there's a few threads out there suggestion a morale system, that affects your hunger, murders, zombie kills and temperature. and it seems that the response on it has been quite poor, people tend to not like that your character gets "downgraded" just because you made a decision in game, whether it's killing zombies or killing other players. But, I'm suggesting a morale system which only affects your murder count. let's say you have killed 2 people, your aim starts to shake a bit, and the screen gets slightly blurry, and when you take out more players the effects gets worse and worse (of course there must be a limit) To get rid of this you'll need some sort of antidepressant which rarely spawns in houses and hospitals. now, I know that not everyone will like this idea, but I seriously can't see an end to the kill on sight if the game itself doesn't take action for you.