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About westfield

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    On the Coast
  1. yes i know, the topic of the thread is how to make players lives more important than gear. so you need to make taking a life (unprovoked) ingame.....wait for it......game altering (to the point where someone who wants to play the game long term will think twice about doing it).
  2. to keep KOS from happening you'd have to incorporate something somewhat unrealistic........ some type of "unprovoked" attack system would have to be implemented..... If you make an unprovoked attack you suffer a type of PERMANENT "attribute" - permanent would mean your future characters also The only way to get rid of the attribute would be to perform some type of "kind" gesture to a non bandit (or permanently attributed) type of person, this would go back to the attribute carrying across your future characters. Having to perform the kindness act on someone non attributed would keep bandit type characters grouping together performing kind gestures on each other (that sounds odd). The kindness act would have to be something difficult(not talking bandaging someone, something harder), but numerous times...not a one for one event the negative factor would have to be something game play crippling enough so that you wouldn't want to do it
  3. funny i have camo in my inventory, i equiped it and it reset my debug monitor and reloaded my ammo clips, other than that it was fine and played for about 20 minutes after wearing the camo. When I logged back in later i was back to the spot where I had put the camo on (my chacater had the normal skin back on) and my debug monitor was back to normal with my zombie killed count etc. The camo was back in my inventory.