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Everything posted by ServantOfChaos

  1. ServantOfChaos

    Dayz bus ride

    Hey guys, just thought i'd show you what i think is the best feature of dayz: the bus. here's my video of my friend and i driving around picking up passengers and running over zombies. enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxwTLrfDXh0
  2. ServantOfChaos

    Awesome bus ride

    i love this. the bus has to be the best feature on this game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxwTLrfDXh0&feature=plcp
  3. ServantOfChaos

    Awesome bus ride

    sorry guys i didn't mean any harm by what i said. please don't take it in a bad way or anything.
  4. ServantOfChaos

    Awesome bus ride

    its funny how suspicious you are and for what reason? this is nothing more than a bus ride to post on youtube. dont you think that if i had planned to kill innocent people i would have uploaded that as well? guess what i didnt, so stop being so suspicious, it is not necessary. or do you just like wasting my time with these posts?
  5. ServantOfChaos

    Awesome bus ride

    nah the driver was my friend but the aim was not to run over people, it was to run over zombies and take people for rides. even though it appears to you as trying to run him over, it was not the intention. however it doesn't make a difference because we did not run him over anyway
  6. ServantOfChaos

    Awesome bus ride

  7. ServantOfChaos

    really fun bus ride

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxwTLrfDXh0 My friend and I find a bus on DayZ, so we drive it around for hours doing all sorts of stuff like running over zombies and picking up passengers. please no bad comments - i want to share this with everyone because i am proud of this moment.
  8. ServantOfChaos

    DayZ bus ride

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxwTLrfDXh0 My friend and I find a bus on DayZ, so we drive it around for hours doing all sorts of stuff like running over zombies and picking up passengers. please no bad comments - i want to share this with everyone because i am proud of this moment.