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About Nesie

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. If you want to play in a server with nice community and almost free hack, here is your server. Just need to send an email to Machoman@btconnect.com or leave a message to our community page http://www.facebook.com/MaChoMaNsDayzServer with your GUID and ur name, you will be available to play in few minutes.
  2. I must add the rollback is with the Helicopter not all vehicles, sorry :)
  3. Greetings, I'm the other admin of the server, even if normally I'm quiet and let fdrk to deal with people. He can be can ass, but I assure u he will not if you don't provoke him. You edited ur post marvon and tried to look smart but it wasn't a clever move. I will asnwer your post and you will notice how few u know about the game and its bugs. We repaired this chopper somedays ago (can't remember the exactly day and i don't want to give false information) when the server was running Dayz version then next days the last beta arma released and we were forced to update the server to the What happens is the version of Dayz DOESN'T SAVE VEHICLES AND TENTS properly and after each restart all vehicles and tents are rolled back at were saved before install that lastest game version. So the chopper u found some days ago was the one we left there and then installed the new version. What it means is everytime the server restart the chopper will appear there. No matter if u save it or crash it or eat it. And for ur information Mavor, You can find plenty posts on the forum about what admins can and can't do...and rollbacks is something we CAN'T do. I suggest u to start read forum now that you registered ;) So when u killed fdrk we were picking the chopper, and I was configuring my controls which were reset (no idea why). And when u killed it, i just flight away with the chopper. About the kick. I can assure you we dont' kick for no reason, would be stupid to kick your pilot when we can recover the chopper at next restart ^_^ There is a simple reason why we dont' kick people and we don't admin abuse ( even if we can't abuse much been admin). We are two single people renting a server. It costs us a lot money every month and the only reason why we do it is because we want a nice server with a lot people in it and out of admin problems. We want people who plays on it have fun and come back to play again with/against us, and we know for that happens you must provide a good "service". You can keep playing on the server if u wish and with time your admin paranoids will dissapear :) Regards, Nesie
  4. I hope Vilayer adds an option to announce automated restarts soon.
  5. And some of the crappy mods here will give an answer like this. Watch your words, you have a responsability.
  6. I'm server admin and I deeply agree with OutlawXGP. We are deeply dissapointed with some points of customer service...and no doing a simple reboot warning is a big issue. We lost our car because that and other players in server complained to us about it. As well the server reboot alone itself at random times, not only at auto-reboots.
  7. Nesie

    Nuke on LU129

    Yes, ur friend shooted me and left with 6000 blood and bleeding ^^ We lost our motorbike too, we are going to check if it's in last place we saved it (hopefully). If not we may restart the server, as sometimes the hive may not load the vehicles. I wish we can answer if it's save, but it's not the server who give the problems...it's the hive. So it's out of our hands. I will keep you informed, sorry for any problem it's causing to you :/ Nesie.