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Everything posted by Coolwhip

  1. Rocket mentioned in June that 150 players would work good for chernarus. Personally I'd love to see that one day. (http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/138121-bikeman-june-2013-interviewlivestream-with-rocket/ : "crtl"+"f"+"150") Of course before this is possible the loot spawns need to be spread more (requires server stability -> testing -> time). For example a few military camps (one or two barracks, some tents) near the cities in the middle(-north , -west). Playing alone can be kinda boring even with 30-40 ppl. Player interaction (hero or bandit) makes the game far more interesting (obviously :P). Loving the little "hidden" updates. 50 slots servers is going in the right direction ^
  2. I agree. I've got a good mouse (w/ good sensor), I'd like to use it properly in DayZ so that my mouse movement is constant. No accel when just looking around with the crosshair would be brilliant :)
  3. Coolwhip

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    OT: I loved what I read about the update, coming up next Friday. But there was nothing in the notes about a mouse acceleration fix or an implementation for a raw input option. It's a shame. It might not be as easy to fix as we might think, because Rocket said a few days after the launch that they would fix the acceleration asap. If it was easy I'm sure they'd already fixed it. I just hope they keep it on there list of things to fix and keeping working on it :)
  4. Coolwhip

    You Didn't Fix Spawns You Made Them Worse....

    I agree with OP. I don't enjoy the current spawn system. The previous spawn system where you could spawn anywhere along the coast I liked much better. It gave opportunities to everyone and provided for everyone's playing style. Like, if you want to go immediately to Balota or you wanted to go inland as fast as possible and survive where its a bit safer, it was both possible. Don't get me wrong. It's good the team tries stuff, tests stuff and generally experiment a bit. This is just my feedback to that, is all. So in short, I liked the 'Hunger Games' spawning style better, where you could immediately go for military gear at Balota (if you happen to spawn there) or you just turn the other way and run into the woods.
  5. Coolwhip

    Fix for AMD FX-8350?

    I've got the FX-8350 as well (+ GTX 770) and on 1280*720 at everything low I still only get around 40-50 ish in the woods. And I also have that problem that core0 does all the work and the other cores dont seem to do much. My overall usage stays around 30%, which isnt good cos I think i could get more fps if only my cpu would use more of its power. Did you OC or something to get all cores working an equal amount?