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Posts posted by goofsta241

  1. Hi All,

    We are looking for a GMT Daytime server admin for the hours of 9-5 ish. The server is popular (average player count of 25+) and is normally full most of the western day, as such we attract our fair share of prats/hackers. The server is admin'd by 3 people on its evening peak and as a whole our admins are respectable, responsible and knowlegdeable and we are happy to lend our services to other servers in return for admins on a day time.

    Well if anyone is interested you can contact us here on our forum @ http://dayzserve.tk



  2. Because of how sold out we are the servers are a little overloaded and there may be some lag during peak hours, once we get the new servers in it will go away. Unfortunately because of how large the order is the supplier is taking longer to install the servers. I really think they should be up by tomorrow.

    Both of those servers are back up and running at the moment.

    Thanks Ersan for your response, and for your honesty and frankness, I like you (probably) can't wait for the new servers to arrive. I suppose lets see how things pan out, good look with DDos'sers. I for one stick to a silent ban policy and hope avoid too much ire.



  3. Hi Ersan,

    We're really struggling for performance on our server currently. As soon as we peak 35+ players we are waiting long times for server side menus and actions. The lag is really bad making the game nearly unplayable and prompting our players to ask restarts constantly. We are already restarting in 3hr intervals. We are on your London node - UK241. Can you look into this we have a lively server and I don't want to lose that.


    Admin - UK241

    Edit: spelling


    We're one of your most popular server customers (check DayZCommander we're normally top 7), its not a great advertisement of the service for it to be running this poorly. Some response of some kind would be much appreciated. I am kinda sick of players moaning at me. I dont wanna hustle you but I'm getting hustled.

    Sorry for being a pain.


  4. Hi Ersan,

    We're really struggling for performance on our server currently. As soon as we peak 35+ players we are waiting long times for server side menus and actions. The lag is really bad making the game nearly unplayable and prompting our players to ask restarts constantly. We are already restarting in 3hr intervals. We are on your London UK241. Can you look into this we have a lively server and I don't want to lose that.


    Admin - UK241

    Edit: spelling

  5. He gave an update last week:

    "At my Army Discharge medical this week, they noted I now have high blood pressure. Some things in life just aren't worth worrying about.

    I've been getting hammered by a massive amount with requests for information about DayZ release, interviews and my reactions to this and stuff and such - but for my own sanity I retreated and have kept to myself. Right now I'm just at home doing bits and pieces on the DayZ development. The rest of the DayZ team is doing the same.

    I realize that I went back on my word about releasing an update, but went back into my shell for a bit last week, and I'll come out when the dust is all settled."

    To be honest it's understandable for peoples' demands for updates not being met when someone is thinking about their health first and others second. I'm sure most would behave in the same way and trying to appease people will only lead to more stress.

    This^, I'm not joining the union of rocket fanboys but the game is just a game and your health is so much more important, regardless of what promises have been made to contrary. A game on average has a lifespan of a few years (at best - discounting a few noticeable exceptions) your health has to stick with you for life. News and updates can wait IMO
