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About bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

    Can you Alt-F4 from a 0.50 cal bodyshot?

    From what I understand, the body's gone, they won't be able to recover it - despite their best disconnecting efforts, it just disappears into the inter-server ether. You however are also deprived of the loot.
  2. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

    Day z standalone speculation

    I've heard it's been confirmed that it's being built on the ArmA3 engine, which includes a new inventory system as standard along with detachable optics/accessories, so we live in hope.
  3. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

    Tent space indicator

    A thousand times yes.
  4. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

    Bicycle can have backpacks

    I don't know, bikes spawning with Panniers would actually make sense, instead of sort of jimmy-rigging your backpack to it, but I like the idea of them having some limited storage.
  5. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    Different industries? That just happen to overlap in every conceivable way? Their portables are nice, yes - but still overpriced. You have plenty of snazzy ultrabooks to choose from. What I will say for them though is that I like that the step they're taking with 2880x1800 displays. The consumer PC market has stagnated with the same old low, 16:9 resolutions for no real good reason.
  6. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com


    A padlock... for a canvas tent? When I have a hunting knife/hatchet?
  7. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    Actually my '£1000 PC tower with stupid blue flashing LEDs' could just as easily be a Mac. Lets face it, the only thing that differentiates the two is brushed aluminium, a 'warranty void if opened' sticker and a good £500-£1000. More power to you if you like using Macs, but the only thing 'unique' about a Mac purchase is the operating system - which you can run on a PC anyway. Stop pretending any of the hardware is somehow superior. Can't tell if trolling or...
  8. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    ITT: Angry people make generalized, generic comments about mac. In other news, try boot camp, as long as your mac is decently specced shouldn't be a problem. I very much doubt a MacOS compatible version will be developed, however.
  9. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

    Admin abuse US 137 Tacticalgamer.com clan server

    http://i.imgur.com/UBE7z.jpg And so it begins.
  10. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

    Admin abuse US 137 Tacticalgamer.com clan server

    I think you may have misread my post. Emphasis on It was a compliment. Nice one.As for the impression we have given - lets be blunt, despite being handled fairly and reasonably by Apophis, it was correct. We were banned after raiding several TG camps on the strength of what appears to be hearsay from TG members. As much as i'm glad this was sorted out amicably, Apophis never did show us the suspicious parts of the log pertaining to us. Furthermore the reactions from certain TG members who knew nothing about the matter speaks to a certain arrogance, perhaps based on a pride in their community and disbelief such a thing could happen, but arrogance nonetheless. Although I do agree with you with regards to the half truths and buried resolutions - we had the same problem as server admins a while back, however the transparency is an important aspect.
  11. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

    Admin abuse US 137 Tacticalgamer.com clan server

    Aye, I'd like to add my thanks there and extend it to all the TG members who weren't sanctimonious bastards who felt it their duty vilify us. Star, Masterjack, Reinhold and Darwin, this one goes out to you. But i'm afraid we can't be merciful. Batten down the hatches, stockpile your beans and equip your L85s. The Ural Collision Crew is coming.
  12. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

    Admin abuse US 137 Tacticalgamer.com clan server

    I appreciate the effort you're taking and we'll await your reply. I hope we'll soon be sorting this matter out on the plains of Chernarus instead of sniping each other on the forums.
  13. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

    Admin abuse US 137 Tacticalgamer.com clan server

    Apophis, I'll respect your decision to handle this in your own way, on your own forums until such time as the matter has been settled to our satisfaction. I would point out however that we don't use direct/vehicle chat - we were using a teamspeak server - and one of our new folk (the man who spent his time dying with varying levels of dignity in Cherno) who got banned from your server never came within so much as 5km of us, let alone 40m required for direct chat. ytman, I'd advise you if we're to settle this amicably to not jump to conclusions as Apophis was asking us not to. Let me translate what you've essentially just said: "They're guilty. There's loads of evidence, I haven't seen any but don't you bother your little head, humble forum visitor those in the rarified heights of admin-cy know best. The evidence is so technical you probably wouoldn't even understand it anyway.. If you don't hear any more on the matter, just assume we sorted it and TG's good reputation remains unsullied!" Why is there no need for it to be on a public forum? We the accused(/accusors) are ASKING you to provide it. Why can't server bans stand to public scrutiny?
  14. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

    Admin abuse US 137 Tacticalgamer.com clan server

    You insufferable fool. I don't quite get what you're suggesting? That we've somehow reverse engineered the game to get your codenames for tents or that we've been engaging in metagaming? Of course we've been in your ruddy teamspeak. Why in gods name would we log in with our in game names?! You've been had and you don't like it. We're not crying about you being in our teamspeak either, are you not reading my posts?! We would have relished that kind of competition! So would you PLEASE stop avoiding the fact that you banned everyone you could see on a certain teamspeak. I think you might have misunderstood the meaning of the phrase 'returning the favour'. Now Apophis, I respect that you've taken the time to post in this thread and you appear to be reasonable. We also realize there was a lot of unneccesary bluster and bickering in this thread - partly due to our frustration and how 'petty' we perceived the bans to be. We do KNOW however that we hit several TG camps - I was raiding one on my own when I heard rustling behind me, I turned around, and standing right behind me was someone no doubt checking in teamspeak right then to see if anyone was at camp. I let loose with my M240 and inspected the body (That's how we identify our kills when we go TG hunting) to find it was none other than LPBronco, a ranking member of the community. Believe me, we did not readily jump to conclusions here. While we lack things like photo or fraps evidence to back up these claims and I realize I am perhaps not the most impartial witness, I'm sure Bronco will confirm this is what happened. We're not just stirring things up here, we genuinely believe we have been wronged. As for tracking us down and identifying us, for all your talk about fallacies - You HAD tracked us down already to our teamspeak! That's how you administered the blanket ban as has already been established! Contacting us was a mere push-to-talk button away! You say that such a course of action is ridiculous and yet that is precisely what you did prior to banning us. As for the hard evidence - we have none. I'm sorry, the secondary allegations were simply our reported experience on your server. On whom the burden of proof lies is irrelevant, we cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt that TG ghosts, dupes etc. However for proof of our unjustifiable bans, we really need look no further than your banlist and server logs. Asking for evidence of hacking from a server admin with access to the logs is however not unreasonable. We're not in a court of law, true but that seems like a fine straw man fallacy to me. Just because we're in a court of law means admins can ban players with impunity, without so much as providing some sort of proof to justify an allegation when the tools to do so are all at their disposal? To end on a lighter note, YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME?!
  15. bahuistehwin@googlemail.com

    Admin abuse US 137 Tacticalgamer.com clan server

    As would we, but we do not believe we are making an unfounded attack here. In fact the entire reason we chose originally to play on their server was as you say the perceived 'sporting culture'. Perhaps this is not a good representation of the TG clan at large. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact they let anyone wear their TG tags without seemingly being a fully fledged member. Perhaps this is the result of a maverick admin. We don't know, we're just reporting our experience on the TG DayZ server to date - and so far, it hasn't been encouraging.