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Skydiver (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Skydiver (DayZ)

  1. Skydiver (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Not so rare! happened to 2 of us within 30 mins
  2. Before they lowered the spawn, Whenever I visited a building site there would usually be at least 3 backpacks in there, maybe more. Now you have to actually hunt for them (they're still not hard to find).
  3. So I got "pushed" by a friend through a wall in a prison building at the NE airfield. And Now I seem to be stuck in here - is there a way to get out?
  4. I probably just lucked out on this one: I spawned in near my sniper spot (dont worry, its up north). Its been quiet for the last few days, but after I spawned in, lay down, I hear a very loud gunshot (a mosin I think) right next to me. My screen blurs (but not de-colours) and I manage to get a mosin shot into him (from point blank also, zoomed scope!). He seems to still be moving but bleeding, so I get up and run. As I run off, I see 2 other guys arriving. I pull out my magnum, aim at them, and all I get is *click click click* I just put it away and run. Somehow Im not bleeding. I can hear gunfire where Im running from, but none of it is landing near my. I assume that the guy that shot me was sniping and these 2 guys that have shown up have flanked him, and I just spawn in the middle of it.... Anyway, check my gear. My tactical vest and shirt are ruined (from pristine and worn) In the tactical vest: Magnum Ruined (from pristine), magnum ammo ruined, PU scope damaged (from pristine) Tactical shirt: ammo damaged, but not ruined. Its almost as if the magnum took the damage and prevented me from bleeding. Otherwise I dont see how a point blank rifle round would not cause bleeding.
  5. Funny how the most helpful were the best armed!
  6. Skydiver (DayZ)

    PvE Server - Killed by a Human

    The only E at the moment is other players. If Zeds are around, they dont post much threat (just run away, or run round and round them hitting them with your fire extinguisher until they die). But as they dont respawn currently, once they're gone, they're gone.
  7. Skydiver (DayZ)

    l85 loot table in namalsk?

    Namalsk loot tables have always had the L85, but with an ACOG scope rather than thermal.
  8. Skydiver (DayZ)

    Build Rolling Update

    Are we going to see the magically repaired vehicles bug fixed in the next patch? or is this just a private hive thing?
  9. Skydiver (DayZ)

    Drop and RUN

    Ok, this is probably a suggestion for stand alone as there is nothing compariable in the mod. We know that there has been a stamina system suggested, so how about a key just to "DROP EVERYTHING AND RUN" - give you a boost to stamina and be a little more realistic, like you've just run out of ammo and theres 10 Zeds on you.
  10. Skydiver (DayZ)

    Cant Play Namalsk

    So my friend appears to be able to play hive servers no problem, but go to a namalsk server and he gets battle eye not responding errors - this appears to be a router problem because another friend tried the same thing, from his own machine on player 1's internet connection and the same problem. Are there any special settings that should be set up in this (admittedly old) router? any ports that need to be opened?
  11. Skydiver (DayZ)

    Cant Play Namalsk

    All up to date, and using commander. Do private hives use separate ports?
  12. Skydiver (DayZ)

    Hive Wipes?

    Has there been some HIVE changes recently. Ive not had a problem but two of my friends had about 2 weeks of not playing and they came back to reset characters? Also tents dissapeared. I know theres always the "its an alpha, get over it" answer, but was anything announced that I missed?
  13. Skydiver (DayZ)

    What's your current loadout?

    M249, M107, all tools cept a GPS. Only binoculars because I havent found NVGs or rangefinders. No Hax, just found a few helis recently, and managed not to die.
  14. Skydiver (DayZ)

    Server restart = Server reset?

    We had our tents dissapear a while ago, along with some other camp that we found (assuming they didnt die).
  15. Read an article about it on the BBC news website. watched a couple of youtube vids. Convinced both my brother and dad to buy arma 2 just for the mod. So now we have our little 3 man family group. Been playing for over 2 months. Still going...
  16. Skydiver (DayZ)


    Theres a rail line on the map. Why not make a train a vehicle. Choo Choo
  17. Skydiver (DayZ)

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes I have only seen barbed wire used properly once - to set up a camp. 99.9% of all the other barbed wire I see is around towns/spawns and just gets in the way, totally blocking some areas. how likely would you find spools of barbed wire IRL anyway?
  18. Skydiver (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    a BIG YAY: Graphical glitches on soldiers are gone. Some boos: still getting graphics artifacts from barbed wire (please remove) debug UI means icons dont work. Stuck at loading again after a couple of lives (I can only assume its the server I connected to). :(
  19. Skydiver (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Exactly the same for me. Pre update, it only seemed to happen with some of the dead soldiers, now it seems to be all of them. (I have only run around Balota so far - went all around hangers and dear stand area.) Manual Update via torrent. Win7 64 - i5 2500k - 8gb Ram - Nvidia 560Ti graphics - 1920x1080 resolution
  20. Skydiver (DayZ)

    Ammo crates

    They can spawn at heli crash sites I think (at least, I saw one there). Full of stanag ammo.
  21. Im getting it at military bases, but the problem is more severe on some servers. changing server helped with 1 area, then the next one was bugged. Is it an engine issue or dayz issue? I assume an arma2 engine issue?
  22. Skydiver (DayZ)

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    Having the same problem with the M1911 - seems to be since the 1.62 final update. Steam updated OA for me.
  23. Ok, last night me and my small band were raiding a farm. We were in a barn on opposite sides of a wall. Two of us crouched ran through the door, ran into each other and I promply went unconcious, had broken bones and was bleeding. Nothing happened to him. I had 12000 blood when it happened. We had morphine and bandages so it wasnt much of a problem getting me going again. But the question is is this an Arma 2 Feature, or bug or something to do with Dayz (I suspect an Arma2 engine thing really, but I only play Dayz). Any ideas?
  24. Skydiver (DayZ)

    Player Collision - Bug or Feature

    Done that to my bro before And done that to myself too. Get nervous about my 1y/o son crawling around over small steps now! ;)
  25. Skydiver (DayZ)

    Finally, mountain dew!

    I found one in my first couple of days playing. 4 weeks later, still havent found another one.