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Everything posted by jagdkommando

  1. jagdkommando

    New graphic card!

    I got a suggestions! buy it before i do :P
  2. So if you turn in a bandit you will have less armor and less speed? I mean if the hero can run faster and has better armor then the bandits should be the opposite?
  3. jagdkommando

    New to Community

    hehe okay but don't start running when i miss you 'cause i hate moving targets! ;)
  4. jagdkommando

    New to Community

    Good to know your my next target! muahahaha :)
  5. Go here: http://www.game-debate.com/games/index.php?g_id=4843&game=DayZ and put in your PC specifications and it will tell you if you can run it on high or medium or low.If you want to change the resolution on the site you need to have an premium acc on that site its very very cheap so try it out! :) OR you can go here: http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx
  6. jagdkommando


    Glad you finally found a way to play this awesome game! have fun playing it! I hope we meet in-game so i can kill you and scavenge you! ^_^ hahaha joke! (or maybe i will)
  7. jagdkommando


    And yeah about that .net framework thing...I LITERALLY done everything! to fix this damn .net framework and nothing worked!
  8. jagdkommando


    here is the tutorial! 1. Run both Arma2 and Arma2: Combined Operations once to complete installation. 2. Download the latest version of DayZCommander from http://www.dayzcommander.com/ -click the download button on top of the screen then after that it should descend you down a bit,,. in the lower right corner (not exactly in the corner near it) there should be a "Get DayZ commander" button click it and download it! and then install it (should be pretty easy). and then go to step 3. and continue. 3. Run DayZCommander and click the "versions" button from the top menu. 4. Click "Install latest revision" under Arma2 OA. Wait for the download and install to complete. 5. Click "Install latest version" under DayZ. Wait for the download and install to complete. 6. Press "Done" to close the versions panel. 7. Double-click any listed server to play. Have FUN! :)
  9. jagdkommando

    Happy Birthday, Matt Lightfoot

    Happy Birthday! *ahem* with delay! :) ;)
  10. jagdkommando


    To make it less complicated,download DayZcommander....I use it Because i can't run Sixupdater cuz of the damn .net framework! P.S. Nobody uses Sixupdater anymore...well i guess some ppl do but i don't cuz of the .net framework problem so try the DayZcommander it's easy and simple! HAVE FUN! :)
  11. jagdkommando

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    Listen people...I'm gonna make this as short as possible (cuz i'm not into writing) Cry engine 3 is made for FPS games ONLY like farcry,farcry 2,crysis,crysis 2 (not all of them were made on the cry engine 3 but still...)as for Arma 2 and DayZ they use Real Virtuality engine 3 that are made only for simulators.
  12. jagdkommando

    Dayz Lag Issue On a good Desktop (I hope anyways)

    Hey can any1 tell me if this is a good config of my PC? 4GB RAM E5300 Dual core 2.6 GHz ATI 4850 521 MB DDR3